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S. No. Petition No Party Name Subject Order Date View
1 2220/2024 Thar Power Transmission Service Limited Petition /Application under Sections 14, 15, 86 (1) (d) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Licensing) Regulations, 2004 with respect to Grant of Separate Transmission Licence 20/03/2025
2 2221/2024 Barmer Power Transmission Service Limited Petition /Application under Sections 14, 15, 86 (1) (d) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Licensing) Regulations, 2004 with respect to Grant of Separate Transmission Licence 20/03/2025
3 2222/2024 Hadoti Power Transmission Service Limited Petition /Application under Sections 14, 15, 86 (1) (d) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Licensing) Regulations, 2004 with respect to Grant of Separate Transmission Licence 20/03/2025
4 2294/2025 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Services Limited Petition filed under Section 86(1) (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 7 of the RERC (Power Purchase and Procurement Process of Distribution Licensee) Regulations, 2004 for approval of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for procurement of power from Nabinagar STPS stage-II (3x800 MW) to be allocated by Ministry of Power, GoI to Rajasthan State. 20/03/2025
5 2293/2025 Discoms Petition filed under 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 21 of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021, and amendments thereof, to make necessary amendments in the said regulations for relaxation in certain provisions to promote installation of rooftop solar. 07/03/2025
6 2296/2025 Suo Motu Forms for furnishing Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff / MYT and truing up proposals for Generating Companies, Transmission Licensee and SLDC. 24/02/2025
7 2297/2025 Suo Motu Forms for furnishing Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) and Tariff proposals and forms for approval of truing up petitions for Distribution Licensee. 24/02/2025
8 2276/2024 Suo Motu In the matter of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2025. 24/01/2025
9 2246/2024 Discoms Petition filed under 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for formation of VCR Committee to review cases filed under section 135 of the Electricity Act, 2003 pertaining to theft of electricity. 20/01/2025
10 2274/2024 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd Petition filed for approval of preliminary expenditure for the schemes declared in state government budget announcement and other Scheme sanctioned or to be sanctioned as per system requirement In FY 2024-25 within the ceiling limit of approved investment plan 2024-25. 17/01/2025
11 2253/2024 M/s SAP Energy Adjudication of Dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 16/01/2025
12 2255/2024 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association Petition under Section 94 of the Electricity Act for Review of the Order Dated 26.07.2024 15/01/2025
13 2250/2024 M/s Saraf Export Palace Adjudication of Dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 15/01/2025
14 2275/2024 Suo Motu RERC (Service Eighth Amendment) Regulations, 2024 15/01/2025
15 2277/2024 Discoms Petition for necessary amendments in RERC (RE Tariff) Regulations, 2020 regarding new RE based captive power plants. 13/12/2024
16 2247/2024 Discoms Petition filed under 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act 2003 read with Regulation 1.2 and 14.1 of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 to make necessary amendments in Regulation 11.8 (Restoration of Supply) of the said Regulations. 11/12/2024
17 2262/2024 Discoms Petition filed under section 43, 46, 50, 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 1.2, 6.1 and 13.4 of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 to make necessary amendments in the schedule of charges for simplification of service connection charges up to 150 kW. 11/12/2024
18 2227/2024 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed by RVPN under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for approval of revised Threshold Limit to Rs. 2000 Crore instead of Rs. 250 Crore 29/11/2024
19 2270/2024 M/s Adani Transmission Bikaner Sikar Ltd. Petition for approval of change in name 19/11/2024
20 2194/2024 Star Cotspin Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act 04/11/2024
21 2224/2024 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition under Regulation 30(3) of the RERC (Terms and Conditions) for Open Access (Regulations), 2016 30/10/2024
22 2184/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Rajasthan Electricity Grid Code) Regulations, 2024 29/10/2024
23 2237/2024 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Service Limited Petition for extension of Power purchase agreements of wind power Generators for a period of 5 years. 22/10/2024
24 2243/2024 Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited. petition for approval of levelized tariff discovered through transparent competitive bidding carried out by JdVVNL for solar power projects under Component-C (Feeder Level Solarization) of Pm-Kusum Scheme 11/09/2024
25 2244/2024 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited Petition for approval of levelized tariff discovered through transparent competitive bidding carried out by JVVNL for solar power projects with aggregate capacity of 208.91 MW under Component-C (Feeder Level Solarization) of PM-KUSUM Scheme 11/09/2024
26 2240/2024 Suo Motu In the matter of the RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024. 25/07/2024
27 2212/2024 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Services Limited Petition seeking approval of procurement of 300 MW Solar Power from NLC India Ltd., under the Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) scheme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 24/07/2024
28 2231/2024 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Services Limited Petition for approval of procurement of 500 MW Solar Power from SJVN Green Energy Ltd., under the Central Public Sector Undertaking (CPSU) Scheme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. 24/07/2024
29 2218/2024 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition for allowing additional expenditure for disposal of Ash from RVUN power plants in pursuant to the MoEF and CC, GoI Notifications 19/07/2024
30 2232/2024 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition for removal of difficulty under section 11, 61,62 and 86 (1) (a) of Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 95 of RERC Tariff Regulations, 2019 and other powers enabling it in this behalf for allowing Interim Energy Charges Rate (ECR) for DCCPP. 18/07/2024
31 2172/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Service Limited Petition for approval for tie up of 1000MW / 6000 MWh per day (continuous discharge of 4 hours) on long term basis from Pump Storage based energy storage 16/07/2024
32 2228/2024 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Service Limited Petition filed in the matter of seeking approval of procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power from Respondents as per guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. 10/07/2024
33 2024/2022 Discoms Petition to recognize Additional Power Purchase Cost incurred in order to comply with the orders of Honble Supreme Court in the matter of change in law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA 01/07/2024
34 2230/2024 Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Service Limited and Ors. Petition for approval of amendment in the original PPA and adoption and approval of the Tariff of 50 percent of generation to be now sold to petitioners by virtue of amendment in the PPA. 27/06/2024
35 2217/2024 BG Wind Power Limited Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 20/06/2024
36 1373/2018 Adani Power Limited Petition filed for determining the compensation/tariff adjustment under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article 10 Change in Law of the PPA executed with Discoms 19/06/2024
37 2234/2024 SUO MOTU RERC (RE Certificate and RPO compliance framework), Regulations, 2010 31/05/2024
38 2235/2024 SUO MOTU In the matter of RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021 31/05/2024
39 2198/2024 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Petition filed for updating tariff Regulations of power Distribution Companies in Rajanthan so as to provide lt connections to the electric vehicle charging stations to be set up by oil marketing companies 30/04/2024
40 2167/2023 Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Limited In the matter of Petition filed u/s 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of dispute 02/04/2024
41 2147/2023 Transtech Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1)(f) read with Sec.142 of the Electricity Act for adjudication of dispute. 26/03/2024
42 2181/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited Application for Modification/clarification of the order dated 27.07.2023 passed by the Commission in Petition No. RERC/2139/2023 19/03/2024
43 2150/2023 Kisan Urja Hitkari Samiti Petition filed u/s. 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 r/w. Article. 12.2 r/w Article 12 of the PPAs, executed by RPGs with Discoms through the Respondent under PM KUSUM Yojna Component-A of Capacity 0.5 MW to 2.0 MW in the State of Rajasthan, for allowing carrying cost 19/03/2024
44 2180/2023 M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur In the matter of petition under section 50 and section 86 (1) (a), (k) and section 181(1), (2)(x) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 14.1 of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 read with Regulation 72, 73, 76 of the RERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2000 seeking orders for modification of rate of Late Payment Surcharge/Delayed Payment Surcharge 19/03/2024
45 2186/2023 M/s Sangod Transmission Service Limited In the matter of application filed by M/s Sangod Transmission Service Limited for grant of Transmission Licence 05/03/2024
46 2186/2023 M/s Sangod Transmission Service Limited In the matter of application filed by Sangod Transmission Service Limited for grant of Transmission Licence 23/02/2024
47 2185/2023 Sangod Transmission Service Limited Petition for adoption of Transmission Charges with respect to the Transmission System being established by Sangod Transmission Service Limited. 20/02/2024
48 2144/2023 Link Enterprises Petition for adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 20/02/2024
49 2145/2023 Link Enterprises Petition for adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 20/02/2024
50 2168/2023 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd Petition for removal of difficulties and seeking amendment in RERC (Terms and Conditions of Open Access) Regulations, 2016. 13/02/2024
51 2201/2024 Suo motu In the matter of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021. 07/02/2024
52 2130/2023 M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited Petition challenging the conduct of Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (AVVNL) for restricting generation of a captive power plant 02/02/2024
53 2190/2023 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition to make necessary amendments in the existing spot generated consumer bill format and removal of difficulties 30/01/2024
54 2177/2023 Pioneer Non Fried Foods Private Limited Petition filed for compliance of Ombudsman order 11/01/2024
55 2152/2023 Ajay Mines and Minerals Petition filed for compliance of Ombudsman order. 09/01/2024
56 2127/2023 Discoms In the matter of approval of temporary suspension of Time of Day (ToD) rebate under Regulation 87(3) and 95 of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 05/01/2024
57 2120/2023 Discoms In the matter of seeking approval for levying Green Power Tariff for supply of renewable energy (RE) to consumers opting for 100 percent green energy to meet their demand. 04/01/2024
58 2119/2023 Discoms In the matter of seeking approval of power purchase from short term sources for Rajasthan Discoms 04/01/2024
59 2101/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition for determining the tariff of Biomass Power Plants based on Rankine Cycle Technology 04/01/2024
60 2082/2023 Onevolt Energy Pvt. Limited and Ors Petition for seeking declaration cum directions on the condition(s) applicable for qualifying as a captive generating plant in the State of Rajasthan. 03/01/2024
61 2146/2023 J. K. Lakshmi Cement Limited Petition for direction to the Respondent RUVNL to make the payment of the power injected into the Grid 03/01/2024
62 2131/2023 Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited Petition for determination of Tariff for 10 years beyond 15.07.2023 for Biomass Power Plant commissioned under Government of Rajasthan, Policy, 1999. 02/01/2024
63 2039/2022 J K Cement Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 by not according Captive Power Plant (CPP) status 26/12/2023
64 2189/2023 Discoms In the matter of petition filed under Section 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 1.2 and 14.1 of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 to make necessary amendments in the said Regulations to remove the difficulties faced by Discoms and Consumers in implementation of the said regulations regarding provision of mandatory submission of stamp paper while applying for new service connection/supply. 20/12/2023
65 2173/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd and Ors. Review Petition under Section 94(1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for review read with Regulation 34,50,51 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2021 for review in the order dated 04.07.2023 19/12/2023
66 2047/2022 UltraTech cement Limited and Anr. In the matter of Petition filed under Section 9, 42 and 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Rule 3 of the Electricity Rules and Regulation 18 of the Conduct of Business Regulations 2000 and Regulation 19 of the Transaction of Business Regulations 2021 challenging the illegal and arbitrary levy of cross Subsidy Surcharge, Additional Surcharge and Water Cess. 14/12/2023
67 2153/2023 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition seeking In-Principle approval for installation of Sewage Treatment Plant at Kota Super Thermal Power Station (KSTPS) 12/12/2023
68 2135/2023 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Regulation 17(3) of RERC Tariff Regulation, 2019 seeking In-Principle approval of Additional Capitalization for up-gradation of DCS HMI System and network switches along with Performance Analysis Diagnostics and Optimization (PADO) System at Kalisindh Thermal Power Station. 08/12/2023
69 2169/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023 08/12/2023
70 2123/2023 Discoms In the matter of approval of recovery of Fuel Surcharge over and above ceiling limit for Quarter 4 of FY 2023, as per Regulation 88 of the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff ) Regulations, 2019 issued by Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission under section 61 read with Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003. 06/12/2023
71 2056/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd Petition seeking approval for procurement of 105.4 MW power from Biomass Plants in the Rajasthan State under Policy for Promoting Generation of Electricity from Biomass, 2010 for meeting the RPO requirements of the state. 24/11/2023
72 2179/2023 Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited Petition for approval of Levelized Tariff Discovered Through Transparent Competitive Bidding carried out by JDVVNL for solar power projects under Component-C (Feeder Level Solarization) of PM-KUSUM Scheme 24/11/2023
73 2143/2023 Sh. Rakesh Singh Petition for review the ceiling levelised tariff fixed for PV Solar Power Plant to be set-up under PM KUSUM Yojna Component-C and for Approval of Levelized Tariff discovered through transparent Competitive Bidding carried out by JVVNL for Solar Power Projects with aggregate capacity of 52.66 MW under Component-C (Feeder Level Solarization) of PM-KUSUM Scheme 17/11/2023
74 2132/2023 Dharmender Kumar Petition for review and rectification of errors in the levelised tariff fixed for PV Solar Power Plant and for determination of compensation/adjustment in levelised tariff on account of Change in Law events to be set -up under PM Kusum Yojna Component-C. 16/11/2023
75 2114/2023 M/s Oil India Limited Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 16/11/2023
76 2115/2023 M/s Oil India Limited Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 16/11/2023
77 2102/2023 Indian Oil Corporation Limited Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 01/11/2023
78 2103/2023 Indian Oil Corporation Limited Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 01/11/2023
79 2104/2023 Indian Oil Corporation Limited Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 01/11/2023
80 2149/2023 M/s Bosch Limited Petition under Section 86(1) (e) read with Sec.142 of the Electricity Act for adjudication of dispute 30/10/2023
81 1814/2020 Balkrishna Industries Limited Bhiwadi Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Ombudsman order dated 25.04.2014 26/10/2023
82 1813/2020 M/s Balkrishna Industries Limited, Chopanki Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Ombudsman order dated 25.04.2014 26/10/2023
83 2095/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition seeking approval of procurement of 490 MW Hybrid power (Solar plus PSP) from Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) under the competitive bidding conducted by SECI whereunder Greenko Energies Private Limited has offered to supply 490 MW energy to the petitioner for its consumption through Discoms 10/10/2023
84 2158/2023 Tarini Minerals Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
85 2159/2023 Tarini Minerals Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
86 2160/2023 Indrani Patnaik Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
87 2161/2023 Cepco Industries (P) Ltd Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
88 2162/2023 Nahar Colour and Coating Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
89 2163/2023 Orient Glazes Ltd Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
90 2164/2023 Altrade Minerals (P) Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
91 2165/2023 K.K. Enterprises Petition filed under Section 86(1) (f) of the Electricity Act 10/10/2023
92 2099/2023 Discoms Petition filed for amendment in Regulation 45, 46, 50 and 55 of the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 with regard to the determination of fixed or capacity charges of Thermal Generating Stations. 10/10/2023
93 2166/2023 Suo Motu Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Service) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023 10/10/2023
94 2081/2023 J. K. Cement Limited Petition challenging the monthly method of calculation of maximum capacity utilization factor for BTM solar P.V. Power Plant whereby the Respondents have applied it on a monthly basis under section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act 2003. 04/10/2023
95 2105/2023 Ajmer Gases Petition for adjudicate the dispute and seeking direction with regard to the RE power adjustment by considering CUF on annual basis and applicability of CUF at drawl end. 04/10/2023
96 2156/2023 Suo motu In the matter of RERC (Terms and Conditions of determination of Tariff) (3rd amendment) Regulations, 2023. 21/09/2023
97 1553/2019 Sh. D. P. Chirania and Ors. Petition filed under section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 in the matter of non-compliance of Commission order dated 07.03.2019. 20/09/2023
98 2043/2022 Discoms Petition filed under 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and all other provisions enabling in this behalf for notification of Smart Grid Regulations. 20/09/2023
99 2140/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd Petition filed for extension of power purchase agreements (PPAs) of 12 Generators in terms of RERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020. 20/09/2023
100 2137/2023 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition filed for Amendment in Rajasthan Electricity Grid Code Under Section 181, read with section 86(1)(h) of the Electricity Act, 2003 and all other powers enabling it in this behalf. 12/09/2023
101 2077/2023 Link Enterprises Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
102 2078/2023 Link Enterprises Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
103 2085/2023 Arora Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
104 2086/2023 Arora Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
105 2088/2023 Avon Cycles Ltd. Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
106 2089/2023 Avon Cycles Ltd. Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute for Non Payment of Principal and LPS amount. 11/09/2023
107 2124/2023 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd Petition for In-principle approval for availing construction power to comply the MOEFCC guidelines on revised emission norms installation of FGD System for the RVUN Power Station 06/09/2023
108 2118/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 04/09/2023
109 2048/2022 ACME Jodhpur Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Petition for seeking directions to Respondents to comply with Grid Code and take permanent measures to overcome the issue of consistent voltage tripping at the 220kV Bhadla Grid Sub-station and to compensate the Petitioners towards loss of revenue. 01/09/2023
110 2128/2023 Adani Power Rajasthan Limited. Petition filed under Section 86(1)(f) and other applicable provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes with respect to excess payment made by the Petitioners to the Respondent on account of payment towards energy charge and change in law and respective adjustments 01/09/2023
111 2117/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of the RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 28/08/2023
112 2138/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition for seeking approval of deviations, along with justifications in the Model Bidding Document for procurement of 160 MW RTC power for 5 years on the basis of the Model Bidding documents. 23/08/2023
113 2133/2023 Sh. Bhanwar Lal Sharma In the matter of Petition filed under Section 142 and146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Section 126 (3) of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 12.2 and 12.3 of the RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021. 18/08/2023
114 2134/2023 Sh. Ashok Kumar In the matter of Petition filed under Section 142 and146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Section 126 (3) of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 12.2 and 12.3 of the RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021. 18/08/2023
115 2141/2023 M/s Mohan Lal Uttam Chand In the matter of Petition filed under Section 142 and146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Section 126 (3) of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 12.2 and 12.3 of the RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021. 18/08/2023
116 2051/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited In the matter of Petition under Section 86(1) (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 10 of the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 for approval of power procurement from renewable sources. 08/08/2023
117 2018/2022 Palimarwar Solar House Private Limited In the matter of petition filed under Section 86 (1) (f) read with Section 142 of the Electricity Act for adjudication of dispute 07/08/2023
118 2058/2022 Discoms Petition filed under section 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with regulations 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 and 14.1 of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 to obtain clarity and remove the difficulties faced by Discoms in implementation of the said regulations regarding assessment made in vigilance cases booked under Section 135 and 126 of the Electricity Act, 2003. 03/08/2023
119 2139/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for approval of power procurement from renewable sources 27/07/2023
120 2090/2023 NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited Petition under Section 86 (1)(c) and (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes 27/07/2023
121 2122/2023 Rajasthan Textile Mills Petition filed under section 45 (3)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003, Regulation 10.8 of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters)Regulations, 2021 and clause 33 (5) of TCOS,2004 read with Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for payment of interest on excess tariff recovered from the date of recovering and withholding the amount in excess of the prescribed tariff. 24/07/2023
122 1960/2021 Ajeet SEEDs Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
123 2033/2022 Wind World Wind farms (Jaisalmer) Pvt Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
124 2034/2022 Vaayu India Power Corporation Pvt Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
125 2035/2022 Wind World Wind Farms (Rajasthan) Pvt Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
126 2036/2022 Wind World Wind Farms (Hindustan) Pvt Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
127 2037/2022 Wind World Wind Farms (Temdarai) Pvt Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
128 2038/2022 Vish Wind Infrastructure LLP Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for non compliance of Commissions order (LPS) 19/07/2023
129 1971/2021 Avon Cycles Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
130 1999/2022 Avon Cycles Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
131 1973/2021 Link Enterprises Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
132 1976/2021 Link Enterprises Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
133 1977/2021 Maxwell Inc. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
134 1982/2022 Mukand Industries Pvt Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
135 1983/2022 Arora Textiles Pvt Ltd Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
136 1984/2022 Arora Textiles Pvt Ltd Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
137 1986/2022 Kundan Care Products Ltd Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
138 1994/2022 Bhabani Pigments Pvt Ltd Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
139 1996/2022 Kukreja Builders Pvt Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
140 1997/2022 Emerald Electronics Pvt Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
141 2008/2022 Pawan Enterprises Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
142 2049/2022 Western Drugs Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
143 2002/2022 Ushdev Engitech Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
144 2003/2022 Ushdev Engitech Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
145 2004/2022 Ushdev Engitech Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
146 2005/2022 Ushdev Windpark Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
147 2006/2022 Ushdev Windpark Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
148 2007/2022 Ushdev Windpark Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 19/07/2023
149 2087/2023 TP Ajmer Distribution Limited Petition seeking directions to the Respondent, inter alia to implement the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) 18/07/2023
150 2125/2023 Indian Medical Association, Rajasthan. In the matter of review of the Commission order dated 31.03.2023 passed in the petition No. 2066/22, 2067/22 and 2068/22 and for reclassification of tariff applicable to the hospitals / nursing homes / dispensaries / clinics run by the members of the Indian Medical Association, Rajasthan 17/07/2023
151 2054/2022 Malaxmi Wind Power In the matter of Petition filed under section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 for not following the direction to release late payment surcharge (LPS) 04/07/2023
152 2059/2022 SBF Ispat Private Limited Corrigendum Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 04/07/2023
153 2060/2022 Hindustan Zinc Limited Corrigendum Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 04/07/2023
154 2062/2022 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association Corrigendum Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 04/07/2023
155 2092/2023 Shree Cement Limited Petition for seeking directions/clarification and removal of difficulty with respect to the levy, along with review, of Special Fuel Surcharge Adjustment (FSA) 03/07/2023
156 2091/2023 Rajendra Kumar Arora, Beawar Petition filed under Section 142 and146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Section 126 (3) of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 10 and 12 of the RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 03/07/2023
157 2094/2023 Sh. Madan Lal Marothiya, Beawar Petition filed under Section 142 and146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Section 126 (3) of the Electricity Act 2003 and Regulation 10 and 12 of the RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 03/07/2023
158 1992/2022 Sayar Engineering Private Limited Petitions filed under Section 142 and 146 of the Electricity Act due to non-compliance of section 126(3) and 56 (1) of the Act and RERC( Supply Code and Connected Matter) Regulations, 2004 and 2021 28/06/2023
159 2021/2022 Sun N Sand Hotels Pvt Ltd Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act for not following the direction to release late Payment Surcharge 23/06/2023
160 2059/2022 SBF Ispat Private Limited Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 23/06/2023
161 2060/2022 Hindustan Zinc Limited Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 23/06/2023
162 2062/2022 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association Petition for review of Commissions order dated 01.09.2022 to recognize additional power purchase cost in the matter of Change in Law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 23/06/2023
163 2093/2023 Shree Cement Ltd. Petition for removal of difficulty in implementation of RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016 16/06/2023
164 1371/2018 Ramayana Ispat Private Limited Petition filed for review of eleventh amendment of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2004. 16/06/2023
165 2052/2022 Ramayana Ispat Private Limited Petition under Section 86(1)(A), Section 62(6), Section 142 and Section 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with various tariff orders passed by the Commission from time to time. 16/06/2023
166 2126/2023 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited. Petition for for Approval of Levelized Tariff discovered through transparent Competitive Bidding carried out by JVVNL for Solar Power Projects With Aggregate Capacity of 52.66 MW under Component-C (Feeder Level Solarization) of PM-KUSUM Scheme. 16/06/2023
167 2079/2023 Suo Motu RERC (Renewable Purchase Obligation) Regulations, 2023 13/06/2023
168 509/2015 National Engineering Industries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute and seeking clarifications on applicability of wheeling losses on interstate open access. 01/06/2023
169 560/2015 R. M. Mittal Steels Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute and seeking clarifications on applicability of wheeling losses on interstate open access. 01/06/2023
170 2000/2022 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited and Ors Petition filed under Regulation 17 of RERC (Grid interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021 read with Commissions order dated 07.09.2021 to make necessary amendments in the said Regulations to alleviate the problems faced by Discoms due to Netmetered consumers. 01/06/2023
171 2061/2022 Parsolar Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed in the matter of adjudication of dispute under section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003. 31/05/2023
172 1911/2021 Discoms Petition for necessary Amendments in RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017. 24/05/2023
173 2073/2022 APM Industries Limited Non compliance of Ombudsman order 18/05/2023
174 2100/2023 Discoms Petition filed for amendment in Regulation 88 of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019. 05/05/2023
175 2098/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited. Petition filed for Energy Assessment Committee (EAC) approval till 2029-30. 05/05/2023
176 1949/2021 Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. In the matter of Petition under regulation 30(3) of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016, against the order dated 17.12.2018 passed by SLDC settling the UI accounts. 05/05/2023
177 2025/2022 Suo-moto In the matter of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2023 20/04/2023
178 2113/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of designating Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam as the Nodal Agency in respect of the development of the Renewable Energy Projects being implemented by RVUNL in the Rajasthan State. 13/04/2023
179 2072/2022 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd Review of Commissions order 07.09.2022 in the matter of approval of revised threshold limit to Rs. 250 Crore instead of Rs. 100 Crore for development of intra-state Transmission Projects through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding. 12/04/2023
180 2112/2023 Suo Motu In the matter of Directives issued by the Commission in the matter of determination of ARR and Tariff Order dated 31.03.2023 12/04/2023
181 2097/2023 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd Petition for approval of 160 MW power procurement for 5 years on the basis of medium-term power procurement guidelines issued by the Ministry of Power, Government of India. 31/03/2023
182 2044/2022 Clean Solar Power (Bhainsada) Private Limited Petition under Section 86(1)(b) and (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for approval of change in law and seeking an appropriate mechanism for grant of appropriate adjustment /compensation to offset financial commercial impact of change in law events 29/03/2023
183 2053/2022 ACME Aklera Power Technology Private Limited Petition for in-principle approval of Change in Law, adoption of the mechanism provided under the Electricity (Timely Recovery of Costs due to Change in Law) Rules 2021 for appropriate adjustment / compensation to offset financial / commercial impact of change in law events. 27/03/2023
184 2057/2022 Hindustan Zinc Limited Petition filed under section 47, 86 and other applicable provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 seeking provision of security in the form of furnishing Bank Guarantee/Letter of Credit in lieu of cash deposit. 20/03/2023
185 1958/2021 Rajasthan Rajya vidyut prasaran Nigam Ltd. Petition for removal of difficulties and seeking clarification of transmission charges and various other charges to be levied on Indian Railway (deemed licensee), DFCCIL and other similar entities for availing open access. 16/03/2023
186 577/2015 Adani Power Rajasthan Limited Determination of compensation/carrying cost on account of Change in Law 16/03/2023
187 2083/2023 H M Food Produst Petition filed for non - Compliance Of RERC Notification No. RERC/Secy/Reg. 143 Ajmer Discom, Ajmer. 17/02/2023
188 2084/2023 Kunal Industries Petition filed for non - Compliance Of RERC Notification No. RERC/Secy/Reg. 143 Ajmer Discom, Ajmer. 17/02/2023
189 503/2015 Ramayana Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1)(k) and Section 129 of Electricity Act, 2003 read with RERC(Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2004 and RERC(Intra-State ABT) Regulations, 2006 regarding non settlement of UI account. 13/02/2023
190 2071/2022 Suo Motu In the matter of RERC (Terms and Conditions of determination of Tariff) (2nd amendment) Regulations, 2022. 27/01/2023
191 1964/2021 Shri Rakesh Singh Petition for review and rectification of errors in the levellised tariff fixed for PV Solar Power Plant to be set up under PM Kusum Yojna Component-A and for determination of compensation/adjustment in levellised tariff on account of Change in Law events 27/01/2023
192 2026/2022 Kisan Urja Hitkari Samiti Petition filed under Section 62 (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003, for revision of levellised tariff from the COD due to increase in Capital cost of Ground Mounted PV Solar Power Plant to be set-up under PM Kusum Yojna Component-A 27/01/2023
193 2055/2022 Shree Cement Limited Petition filed under section 142 Act for contravention of directions contained RERC Order for Multi Year Aggregate Revenue requirement, Tariff Petition and Investment Plan of Discoms for FY 2020-21 to 2023-24 17/01/2023
194 1937/2021 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under section 181 of electricity Act 2003 read with Regulation 94 of RERC (terms and conditions for determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 and electricity (Late Payment Surcharge) Rules 2021 10/01/2023
195 1943/2021 JSW Energy (Barmer) Ltd. Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) of electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of dispute 10/01/2023
196 1961/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited Petition filed under Regulation 10 of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations 2020 For Extension of Power Purchase Agreements of Wind Power Generators for a Period of 5 Years 04/01/2023
197 1966/2021 M/s ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Five) Pvt. Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 seeking recovery of balance payment for the energy supplied from the Petitioners 110 MW solar power project. 21/12/2022
198 2029/2022 Ultimate Sun Systems Private Limited. Petition for determination of compensation/adjustment in the levelised tariff fixed for 4.24 MW pilot Feeder level Solarization Project under Component-C of PM KUSUM Scheme on account of Change in Law events. 15/12/2022
199 2050/2022 Indian Medical Association, Rajasthan. In the matter of reclassification of tariff applicable to the hospitals/nursing homes/dispensaries/clinics run by the members of the Indian Medical Association, Rajasthan presently categorized as Non-Domestic Services (Schedule NDS/LT-2) under Regulation 34, 43, 45 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2021 and section 61, 62 and 94(1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019. 13/12/2022
200 1905/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited Corrigendum- In the matter of Petition filed under Section 63 of the Act for adoption of tariff for 1070 MW Solar PV Power 12/12/2022
201 1968/2021 Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd. Petition under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act for review read with Regulation 72, 73 and 74 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2005 for seeking clarifications and further guidance in the order dated 22.11.2021 of the Commission in petition No. RERC/1920/21. 05/12/2022
202 1925/2021 Vijay Solvex Limited Petition for directions to amend the Wheeling and Banking Agreement (Extension of period from 20 years to 25 Years) 29/11/2022
203 2022/2022 Discoms In the matter of petition filed under 86 (1) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and all other provisions enabling in this behalf for notification of Merit Order Despatch and optimization of power purchase. 29/11/2022
204 1959/2021 Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd Petition filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act for review read with Regulation 72, 73 and 74 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2005 for seeking clarifications and further guidance in the order dated 30.09.2021 of the Commission in petition No. RERC/1912/2021 29/11/2022
205 1927/2021 Deepak Vegpro Private Limited Petition for directions to amend the Wheeling and Banking Agreement (Extension of period from 20 years to 25 Years) 15/11/2022
206 2017/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition under Section 86 (1) (b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for approval of 294 MW Round-the-clock (RTC) long-term power purchase and approval of deviations in the Model Bidding documents for long term Procurement of Electricity under DBFOO 02/11/2022
207 2040/2022 Discoms Petition filed for allowing expenses incurred in execution of smart metering works 21/10/2022
208 2030/2022 Shree Cement Ltd. Petition under section 98 Power to Remove Difficulties under RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 10/10/2022
209 1936/2021 Hindustan Zinc Ltd. In the matter of Petition under Section 62, 86, 142 and other applicable provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 06/10/2022
210 1827/2020 M/s Rajasthan Textile Mills Association and Others Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) read with section 142 of the Act 27/09/2022
211 1917/2021 Lucid Colloids Limited Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) read with section 142 of the Act 27/09/2022
212 1918/2021 Mewar Polytex Limited and Others Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) read with section 142 of the Act 27/09/2022
213 1919/2021 PG Foils Limited Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) read with section 142 of the Act 27/09/2022
214 1952/2021 Vedanta Limited Petition filed under section 86(1)(f) read with section 142 of the Act 27/09/2022
215 2023/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption of tariff for 1785 MW solar power 27/09/2022
216 2046/2022 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under sections 14, 15 and 16 of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Standards of Performance for distribution licensees) Regulations, 2021 to allow necessary relaxations in the said Regulations 23/09/2022
217 1970/2021 Rambagh Eco Power Unit Of Rambagh Palace Hotel Pvt Ltd Adjudication of dispute under section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act 2003 20/09/2022
218 1998/2022 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. and Ors. In the matter of petition for review of Commissions order dated 30.09.2021 19/09/2022
219 2042/2022 Discoms Petition under Section 94(2) of the electricity act, 2003 read with Regulation 95 of the RERC( Terms and Conditions for determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 for providing temporary relief measures to alleviate the issues faced by Discoms in the current scenario of power crisis. 13/09/2022
220 2027/2022 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. Petition for revision of threshold limit to Rs 250 Crore for development of intra State Transmission Projects through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) Process alongwith criteria and exemptions. 07/09/2022
221 2024/2022 Discoms Petition filed under Section 62 (4) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 88 of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 to recognize Additional Power Purchase Cost incurred in order to comply with the orders of Honble Supreme Court in the matter of change in law and allow recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA. 01/09/2022
222 1905/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited. In the matter of Petition filed for adoption of tariff for 1070 MW Solar PV power under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 31/08/2022
223 1598/2020 Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. In the matter of under Section 62, 86(1)(a) and 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 against the action of the Respondent for re-categorize from Large Industrial category to Non-Domestic category. 24/08/2022
224 1329/2018 JSW Energy (Barmer) Ltd. Petition filed for in-principle approval of additional capitalization on account of up gradation of Electrostatic Precipitators and Lime Handling System 12/07/2022
225 1953/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to seek permission for procurement of 1200 MW Wind Power under ISTS Wind Trenche-X 23/06/2022
226 2015/2022 Bhagirath Natural Stones Industries Petitions for non-compliance of Section 171, Section 56 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Reg. 139 Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters Regulation, 2021 09/06/2022
227 2016/2022 Bhagirath Natural Stones Industries Petitions for non-compliance of Section 171, Section 56 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Reg. 139 of Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters Regulation, 2021 09/06/2022
228 2010/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigm Ltd. Petition for approval of procurement of 490 MW hybrid power (Solar plus PSP) from SECI under the competitive bidding 12/05/2022
229 1535/2019 Rajasthan Textile Mills Petitions filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Ombudsmans order 12/05/2022
230 2019/2022 Discoms Petition for amendments in RERC (Electricity Supply Code And Connected Matters) Regulations,2021 10/05/2022
231 1817/2020 Shree Cement Limited Petition seeking amendments in Regulation 11 (5) and 21 (i), 21 (iii) of RERC(Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 31/03/2022
232 1962/2021 Suo Motu In the matter of proposed Amendments in the Procedure for implementation of the Framework on Forecasting and Scheduling for Renewable Energy (RE) Generating Stations (Wind and Solar) 31/03/2022
233 1967/2021 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed for review of Commissions order dated 02/11/2021. 15/03/2022
234 1995/2022 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for approval of power procurement from renewable sources. 08/03/2022
235 1989/2022 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition for approval of levelized tariff discovered through transparent competitive bidding carried out by JVVNL for 4.24 MW pilot Solar Power Project for feeder level solarization under Component-C of PM-KUSUM scheme 07/03/2022
236 1898/2021 Indian Wind Energy Association and ors. Removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 28/02/2022
237 1899/2021 IB Vogt Solar Eight Pvt. Ltd. Removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 28/02/2022
238 1924/2021 Rajasthan Solar Association Removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 28/02/2022
239 1969/2021 Discoms Petition for amendments in RERC (Standards of Performance for Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2021 22/02/2022
240 1931/2021 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed for deferment and amendment in SOP Regulations, 2021 21/02/2022
241 1938/2021 Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. In the matter of extension of infirm power period for Suratgarh Super Critical Thermal Power Station (SSTPS) Unit-8 17/02/2022
242 1858/2020 SBE Renewables Twenty Two C1 Pvt. Ltd Petitions filed for removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources)Regulations,2020 11/01/2022
243 1859/2020 SBE Renewables Twenty Two C2 Pvt. Ltd Petitions filed for removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources)Regulations,2020 11/01/2022
244 1860/2020 SBE Renewables Twenty Two C3 Pvt. Ltd Petitions filed for removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources)Regulations,2020 11/01/2022
245 1861/2020 SBE Renewables Twenty Two C4 Pvt. Ltd Petitions filed for removal of difficulties in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources)Regulations,2020 11/01/2022
246 1914/2021 Fortum Solar Plus Private Limited Petition filed for declaration of Change in Law Events, viz., the imposition of Safeguard Duty and increase in Basic Custom Duty 30/12/2021
247 1922/2021 ReNew Solar Energy (Jharkhand Five) Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed for declaration of Change in Law Events, viz., the imposition of Safeguard Duty and increase in Basic Custom Duty 30/12/2021
248 1941/2021 Sitara Solar Energy Pvt Ltd. Petition filed for declaration of Change in Law Events, viz., the imposition of Safeguard Duty and increase in Basic Custom Duty 30/12/2021
249 1907/2021 Suo Motu Discussion Paper on Framework for Large Scale Integration of Renewable Energy using Energy Storage Systems and its impact on Tariffs. 30/12/2021
250 1948/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition filed for approval of draft Bidding Documents (RFQ, RFP and APP) and approval for procurement of up to 266 MW RTC power on long term basis from domestic fuel (Coal or Lignite) based power generating stations for meeting the requirement of Discoms. 30/12/2021
251 1939/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition to waive off the shortfall of the Renewable Purchase Obligations ought to be complied by the Discoms accruing from the year 2011-2012 23/12/2021
252 1926/2021 M/s Sun and Sand Mumbai Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
253 1934/2021 M/s Giriraj Enterprises Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
254 1935/2021 M/s Yamuna Power and Infrastructure Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
255 1944/2021 M/s D. J. Malpani Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
256 1945/2021 M/s D. J. Malpani Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
257 1946/2021 M/s D. J. Malpani Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
258 1947/2021 M/s Giriraj Enterprises Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
259 1950/2021 M/s Realwax Industries Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
260 1951/2021 M/s Jivraj Tea Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
261 1957/2021 M/s Neccon Power and Infra Private Ltd. Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 22/12/2021
262 1892/2021 M/s Universal Biomass Energy Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 of the Electricity Act,2003 seeking to relax the criteria prescribed for Biomass project with Rankine cycle technology 22/12/2021
263 1930/2021 Suo Motu RERC (Renewable Energy Obligation) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations,2021 14/12/2021
264 1905/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. In the matter of Petition filed for adoption of tariff for 1070 MW Solar PV power under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 13/12/2021
265 1933/2021 AEW India North One Private Limited In the matter of Petition under 86(1)(b) of the Electricity Act, 2003 seeking approval and recognition of Article 12.1.3 and 12.2.3 of the Power Purchase Agreement dated 04.03.2021 executed between AEW India North One Private Limited and Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited and appropriate directions thereof 13/12/2021
266 1920/2021 M/s Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd., Pali Adjudication of dispute 22/11/2021
267 1472/2019 Sh. Karmendra Singh Petition for implementation of Commissions order dated 28.05.2018 issued in the matter of determination of ARR of Discoms for FY 2018-19. 02/11/2021
268 1929/2021 Sh. Rakesh Singh Petition seeking directions to Jaipur Discom to align its order dated 22.03.2021 with the applicable Regulations under PM Kusum Yojna Component-A 02/11/2021
269 1923/2021 Discoms and Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1) (b) read with Section 86 (1) (f) of Electricity Act, 2003 28/10/2021
270 1912/2021 M/s Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of dispute on termination of PPA. 30/09/2021
271 1900/2021 Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (b) (c) and (k) of the Act for removal of difficulty in implementation of RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016. 30/09/2021
272 1894/2021 SB Energy One Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (c) (K) and (e) of the Act read with RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation settlement and related matters of solar and wind generation sources) Regulations, 2017 seeking directions to Respondent for facilitating smooth operation of plant without undue impediments. 21/09/2021
273 1932/2021 Suo Motu Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021 07/09/2021
274 1877/2021 Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Review of Commission order dated 22.12.2020 passed in petition no. 1506/2019 in the matter of extension of infirm power period for Suratgarh Super Critical Thermal Power Plant Unit-7. 18/08/2021
275 1910/2021 M/s Maru Transmission Service Company Limited In the matter of petition filed under Section 17 (3) and 17 (4) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for creation of security interest in favour of Lenders 18/08/2021
276 1890/2021 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd Petition under Section 86(1)(f) of Electricity Act 2003, for allowing the compensation/ adjustment in tariff due to change in law 18/08/2021
277 1897/2021 Sh. Harish Gupta Petition under Section 142 of Electricity Act 2003, for non compliance of provisions of Supply Code Regulations, 2021 18/08/2021
278 1808/2020 M/s Dhursar Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes regarding unlawful recovery of wheeling charges by Discom 03/08/2021
279 1809/2020 M/s Dhursar Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes seeking proper implementation of Commission order dated 01.11.2017 passed in petition no. 1125/2017 03/08/2021
280 1901/2021 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of Electricity Act 2003, for contravention of Regulation 29 (1) of the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 regarding recovery of income tax on Return on Equity for FY 2017-18 03/08/2021
281 1895/2021 M/s SB Energy Three Pvt. Ltd. Petition for directions to Respondent under Section 86 (1) (c), 86 (1) (k) and 86 (1) (e) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for facilitating smooth operation of plant without undue impediments 27/07/2021
282 1816/2020 Sh. Anshuman Gothwal and Anr. Petition for issuance of instructions to distribution licensee using powers of Commission under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 to counter impending losses due to Covid-19 pandemic and amendment in RERC Tariff Regulations, 2019 23/07/2021
283 1905/2021 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Adoption of Tariff for 1070 MW Solar PV power under Section 63 of the Act 23/07/2021
284 1921/2021 Suo Motu Removal of Difficulties in supply code regulations 23/07/2021
285 1822/2020, 1828/2020, 1830/2020, 1831/2020, 1832/2020, 1833/2020, 1834/2020, 1838/2020, 1839/2020, 1840/2020, 1855/2020, 1856/2020, 1863/2020, 1864/2020, 1865/2020, 1866/2020, 1867/2020, 1868/2020, 1869/2020, 1884/2021, 1885/2021, 1886/2021, 1887/2021, 1888/2021, 1893/2021, 1896/2021, 1902/2021, 1903/2021, 1904/2021, 1908/2021 M/s Hindustan Urban Infrastructure Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute under Section 86(1)(f) of Electricity Act, 2003 regarding payment of interest on delayed payment by Discoms 13/07/2021
286 1825/2020 M/s RSWM Ltd. Petition under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulation, 2016 for redressal of grievance related to under injection penalty charges 13/07/2021
287 1873/2021 M/s Shri Prithvi Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Review of Commission order dated 02.12.2020 07/07/2021
288 1909/2021 M/s Transtech Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Petitions filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Review of Commission order dated 23.03.2021 passed in the matter of determination of generic tariff for Biomass based power plants for FY 2020-21 and 2021 -22 07/07/2021
289 1913/2021 M/s Sathyam Green Power Projects Ltd. Petitions filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Review of Commission order dated 23.03.2021 passed in the matter of determination of generic tariff for Biomass based power plants for FY 2020-21 and 2021 -22 07/07/2021
290 1915/2021 M/s Orient Green Power Company Rajasthan Pvt. Ltd. Petitions filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Review of Commission order dated 23.03.2021 passed in the matter of determination of generic tariff for Biomass based power plants for FY 2020-21 and 2021 -22 07/07/2021
291 1916/2021 M/s Sanjog Sugars and Eco-Power Pvt. Ltd. Petitions filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Review of Commission order dated 23.03.2021 passed in the matter of determination of generic tariff for Biomass based power plants for FY 2020-21 and 2021 -22 07/07/2021
292 1819/2020 M/s Regal Homeware In the matter of petition filed under Section 142 of the Act for non-compliance of Section 43 of the Electricity Act, 2003, Regulations 6 of Supply Code Regulations, 2004, RERC (Conditions of License) Regulations, 2004 and CGRF Order. 02/07/2021
293 1812/2020 M/s HPCL Mittal Pipelines Limited Petition filed under Regulation 30(3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016, related to levy of excess drawl penalty charges 01/07/2021
294 1874/2021 Suo Motu RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021 30/06/2021
295 1874/2021 Suo Motu RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2021 08/04/2021
296 1906/2021 Sou Motu In the matter of Repeal of RERC (Metering) Regulations, 2007 and amendments thereof and issue of RERC (Metering) Practice Directions, 2021. 06/04/2021
297 1851/2020 Suo Motu RERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, Electricity Ombudsman and Consumer Advocacy) Regulations, 2020 26/03/2021
298 1803/2020 Suo Motu In the matter of non-compliance of directives issued in order dated 06.02.2020 26/03/2021
299 1891/2021 Suo Motu In the matter of installation of solar power systems at the schools of the State Government. 25/03/2021
300 1874/2021 Suo Motu RERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems) Regulations, 2020 24/03/2021
301 1732/2020 M/s ACME Aklera Power Technology Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Petition under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Articles 11 and 13 of the Power Purchase Agreement dated 10.06.2019 seeking directions to restrain SECI from invoking bank guarantees and for return of the bank guarantees. 24/03/2021
302 1883/2021 M/s Clean Wind Power Devgarh Private Limited Adjudication of dispute 23/03/2021
303 1870/2020 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 19/03/2021
304 1871/2020 M/s JK Laxmi Cement Ltd. Adjudication of Dispute 19/03/2021
305 1714/2020 State Load Despatch Centre Petition under Section 86(1)(h) of the Electricity Act 2003 to specify Technical Minimum Schedule for operation of State Thermal Generating Stations 19/03/2021
306 1826/2020 M/s Synergy Steel Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 10/03/2021
307 1821/2020 M/s Parl Polytex In the matter of petitions filed for directions on applicability of the Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 and for issuing clarifications/guidelines for determination of Special Fuel Surcharge 01/03/2021
308 1824/2020 M/s Agarwal Woven Polymers In the matter of petitions filed for directions on applicability of the Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 and for issuing clarifications/guidelines for determination of Special Fuel Surcharge 01/03/2021
309 1848/2020 M/s Naredi Texfab Pvt. Ltd. In the matter of petitions filed for directions on applicability of the Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 and for issuing clarifications/guidelines for determination of Special Fuel Surcharge 01/03/2021
310 1849/2020 M/s Vibrant Polymers LLP In the matter of petitions filed for directions on applicability of the Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 and for issuing clarifications/guidelines for determination of Special Fuel Surcharge 01/03/2021
311 1835/2020 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd., Jaipur Adjudication of dispute 01/03/2021
312 1836/2020 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd., Newai Adjudication of dispute 01/03/2021
313 1850/2020 Suo Motu RERC (Standards of Performance for Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2021 19/02/2021
314 1882/2021 Suo Motu Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2021 17/02/2021
315 1857/2020 Suo Motu Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2017 12/02/2021
316 1815/2020 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association Petition filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for review read with Regulation 72, 73 and 74 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2005 for seeking clarifications and further guidance in the order dated 13.6.2019 05/02/2021
317 1820/2020 M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. Petition filed under Section 94 (1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for review read with Regulation 72, 73 and 74 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2005 for seeking clarifications and further guidance in the order dated 13.6.2019 05/02/2021
318 1889/2021 Suo Motu RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2021 03/02/2021
319 1829/2020 Suo Motu RERC (Standards of Performance of Transmission Licensee) Regulations, 2021 03/02/2021
320 1802/2020 M/s J.K. Cement Ltd. Petition filed under Section 128, 142 and 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003, regarding excess recovery of fixed charges and wrongful imposition of power factor penalty during lockdown period, in violation of provisions of the Commissions tariff order dated 06.02.2020. 29/01/2021
321 1810/2020 M/s HNV Casting Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 128, 142 and 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003, regarding excess recovery of fixed charges and wrongful imposition of power factor penalty during lockdown period, in violation of provisions of the Commission tariff order dated 06.02.2020. 29/01/2021
322 1853/2020 M/s SSB Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 128, 142 and 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003, regarding excess recovery of fixed charges and wrongful imposition of power factor penalty during lockdown period, in violation of provisions of the Commission tariff order dated 06.02.2020. 29/01/2021
323 1559/2019 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. Adjudication of disputes 18/01/2021
324 1823/2020 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of Electricity Act 2003, for contravention of Regulation 22 (1) of the RERC (Conditions of Licence) Regulations, 2004, and APTEL order dated 16.07.2020 18/01/2021
325 1771/2020 M/s Ramgad Minerals and Mining Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act for non-compliance of Commission Order dated 03.08.2017 11/01/2021
326 1736/2020 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited Seeking relaxation in Merit order Despatch (MoD) for power scheduled from Anta, Auraiya and Dadri Gas Power Stations 05/01/2021
327 1506/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Seeking extension of infirm power period for Suratgarh Super Critical Thermal Power Plant Unit-7 of Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. 22/12/2020
328 1502/2019 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. and Ors. Petition filed under Regulation 45 of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2004 for formation of VCR committee to review cases filed under Section 135 of the Electricity Act, 2003 pertaining to theft of electricity. 22/12/2020
329 1811/2020 Suo Motu In the matter of Charging Infrastructure, Tariff and other regulatory issues for Electric Vehicles 21/12/2020
330 1569/2019 Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. and Anr. Petition filed under Section 19 and 20 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for initiation of proceedings for revocation of Transmission Licence 14/12/2020
331 1783/2020 M/s ACME Jodhpur Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. and Anr. Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (c), (k) and (e) of the Act seeking directions to Surya Urja Company for facilitating smooth generation of solar energy without undue impediments. 08/12/2020
332 1770/2020 Mewar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Petition under Regulation 18, 19 and 20 of RERC (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) Regulations, 2015 and Regulation 72 of RERC (Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2005 seeking suitable energy accounting mechanism to be applicable during lockdown under Covid-19 situation. 07/12/2020
333 1585/2019 M/s Reliance Industries Ltd. Petition filed under Section 62 (1) (a) of the Electricity Act, 2003 and provisions of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Renewable Energy Sources -Wind and Solar Energy) Regulations, 2014 for determination of tariff of balance period of 10 years of PPA for its Solar PV plant. 07/12/2020
334 1792/2020 M/s BLS Ecotech Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2020
335 1793/2020 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 20 of RERC (connectivity and Net Metering for rooftop and small solar grid interactive systems) Regulations, 2015 read with Section 66, 86(1)(k) and 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 seeking necessary amendments in said Regulations. 07/12/2020
336 1666/2020 M/s Rajasthan Steel Chambers Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2020
337 1768/2020 Mewar Chamber of Commerce and Industry Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2020
338 1772/2020 Rajasthan Textile Mills Association and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2020
339 1781/2020 M/s Synergy Steels Ltd. In the matter of under Regulation 30(3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016, related to excess drawl penalty Charges. 07/12/2020
340 1477/2019, 1528/2019, 1529/2019, 1555/2019, 1564/2019, 1565/2019, 1566/2019, 1575/2019, 1589/2019, 1602/2020, 1603/2020, 1604/2020, 1605/2020, 1606/2020, 1607/2020, 1608/2020, 1609/2020, 1610/2020, 1614/2020, 1615/2020, 1616/2020, 1617/2020, 1618/2020, 1619/2020, 1620/2020, 1621/2020, 1622/2020, 1623/2020, 1624/2020, 1628/2020, 1629/2020, 1630/2020, 1631/2020, 1632/2020, 1633/2020, 1634/2020, 1635/2020, 1636/2020, 1637/2020, 1638/2020, 1639/2020, 1640/2020, 1641/2020, 1642/2020, 1643/2020, 1644/2020, 1645/2020, 1646/2020, 1647/2020, 1648/2020, 1649/2020, 1650/2020, 1651/2020, 1652/2020, 1653/2020, 1654/2020, 1655/2020, 1656/2020, 1657/2020, 1658/2020, 1659/2020, 1660/2020, 1661/2020, 1662/2020, 1667/2020, 1668/2020, 1669/2020, 1670/2020, 1671/2020, 1672/2020, 1673/2020, 1674/2020, 1675/2020, 1676/2020, 1677/2020, 1678/2020, 1679/2020, 1680/2020, 1681/2020, 1682/2020, 1683/2020, 1684/2020, 1685/2020, 1686/2020, 1687/2020, 1688/2020, 1689/2020, 1690/2020, 1691/2020, 1692/2020, 1693/2020, 1694/2020, 1695/2020, 1696/2020, 1697/2020, 1698/2020, 1699/2020, 1700/2020, 1701/2020, 1702/2020, 1703/2020, 1704/2020, 1705/2020, 1706/2020, 1707/2020, 1708/2020, 1709/2020, 1710/2020, 1711/2020, 1712/2020, 1713/2020, 1719/2020, 1720/2020, 1721/2020, 1722/2020, 1723/2020, 1724/2020, 1725/2020, 1726/2020, 1727/2020, 1728/2020, 1729/2020, 1730/2020, 1731/2020, 1733/2020, 1734/2020, 1737/2020, 1738/2020, 1740/2020, 1741/2020, 1742/2020, 1743/2020, 1748/2020, 1749/2020, 1750/2020, 1751/2020, 1752/2020, 1753/2020 M/s HIL Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2020
341 1761/2020, 1762/2020, 1763/2020, 1764/2020, 1765/2020, 1766/2020, 1767/2020, 1774/2020, 1775/2020, 1776/2020, 1777/2020, 1778/2020, 1779/2020, 1784/2020, 1785/2020, 1786/2020, 1787/2020, 1788/2020, 1789/2020, 1790/2020, 1800/2020, 1801/2020, 1804/2020, 1805/2020, 1806/2020, 1807/2020 M/s Neccon Power and Infra Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of disputes 07/12/2020
342 1739/2020 M/s Malaxmi Wind Power Adjudication of disputes 07/12/2020
343 1745/2020 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 33 (4) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to quash the SLDC order dated 11.10.2017 02/12/2020
344 1578/2019 M/s Rajasthan Textiles Mills Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of SLDC order dated 24.06.2019 02/12/2020
345 1746/2020 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 33(4) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to quash and set aside the SLDC order dated 24.06.2019. 02/12/2020
346 1567/2019 M/s Shri Prithvi Alloys Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of SLDC orders dated 24.04.2018 and 28.05.2018. 02/12/2020
347 1747/2020 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Petition filed under Section 33(4) of the Electricity Act, 2003 to quash and set aside the SLDC order 24.04.2018 and 28.05.2018. 02/12/2020
348 1780/2020 M/s Shiva Steelage Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 142 of the Act for non-compliance of Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 issued in the matter of special fuel surcharge. 02/12/2020
349 - Suo Motu RERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2020 02/11/2020
350 1756/2020 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. For approval regarding unit-wise calculation of Kota Thermal Power Station of Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. 28/10/2020
351 1773/2020 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Seeking resolution and approval in the matter of power procurement from Dholpur Combined Cycle Power Plant of Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. 28/10/2020
352 1735/2020, 1754/2020, 1755/2020, 1758/2020, 1759/2020, 1769/2020, 1782/2020, 1791/2020, 1794/2020, 1795/2020, 1797/2020, 1798/2020 M/s Rajasthan Steel Chambers and others Petitions under Section 86 (1)(f) for adjudication of dispute with Discoms and u/s142 and 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non compliance of the provisions of the tariff order and general condition of supply issued by Discoms for waiver of fixed charges 28/10/2020
353 1544/2019 M/s Ramayana Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Petition filed under Section 94 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for review of Commission order dated 08.02.2019 19/10/2020
354 1558/2019, 1561/2019, 1562/2019, 1588/2019 M/s Rajasthan Steel Chambers and Ors. In the matter of under Section 94(1)(f) of Electricity Act, 2003 for review of Commissions order dated 13.06.2019 12/10/2020
355 1507/2019 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. Petition under Section 86(1)(e) and 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 in the matter of non compliance of Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation by Discoms for FY 2015-16 to 2017-18 09/10/2020
356 1592/2019 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Petition filed under Section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adjudication of disputes 09/10/2020
357 1582/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited In the matter of approval of Investment Plan for Rajasthan Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited FY 2020-21 08/10/2020
358 1663/2020 M/s Shivanchal Alloys Pvt. Ltd. In the matter of under Section 142 of the Act regarding non-compliance of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters)(Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2017 05/10/2020
359 1536/2019 M/s Adani Transmission (Rajasthan) Limited In the matter of under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article 41 and Article 48 of the Transmission Service Agreement dated 09.05.2016 claiming the enactment and levy of Krishi Kalyan Cess and Goods and Services Tax as Change in Law and subsequent relief for payment of compensation under such Change in Law 14/09/2020
360 1554/2019, 1556/2019, 1557/2019, 1570/2019, 1571/2019 M/s Rajasthan Steel Chambers and others In the matter of Petitions filed under Section 128 and 142 of Electricity Act, 2003 regarding non-compliance of RERC (Terms and Condition for determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 and 2019 11/09/2020
361 1601/2020 M/s Rajasthan Steel Chambers In the matter of under Section 86(3), 45 and129 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for mandatory pre-audit and prior regulatory approval of the computation of the fuel surcharge under Regulation 88 of the RERC (Terms and Condition for determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 11/09/2020
362 1572/2019 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. In the matter of violation of provisions of Regulation 25 of RERC (Condition of License) Regulations, 2004 regarding recovery of charges 04/09/2020
363 1481/2019 M/s Shree Ram Industries Adjudication of dispute 10/08/2020
364 1563/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. In the matter of adjudication of dispute under Section 86(1)(f) of Electricity Act, 2003 and Regulation 15 and 20 of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016, for recovery of transmission charges, SLDC fees and other charges. 28/07/2020
365 1597/2020 M/s Adani Transmission Bikaner Sikar Pvt. Ltd. In the matter of seeking approval under Section 17 (3) and (4) of the Electricity Act for creation of security interest on assets of licensee. 27/07/2020
366 1715/2020 M/s Thar Power Transmission Service Limited In the matter of petition filed under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for creation of security interest on assets of licensee in favour of new security trustees. 24/07/2020
367 1716/2020 M/s Hadoti Power Transmission Service Limited In the matter of petition filed under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for creation of security interest on assets of licensee in favour of new security trustees. 24/07/2020
368 1717/2020 M/s Barmer Power Transmission Service Limited In the matter of petition filed under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for creation of security interest on assets of licensee in favour of new security trustees. 24/07/2020
369 1757/2020 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. In the matter of approval of tariff for capacities beyond that allocated by MNRE under Component-A of PM-KUSUM Scheme 07/07/2020
370 - Suo-Motu Corrigendum in RERC (Service) (Sixth amendment) Regulations, 2020 17/06/2020
371 1593_19 M/s KEC Bikaner Sikar Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Seeking change in name and address of the licensee in the Transmission License 10/06/2020
372 1664/2020 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Seeking approval for bidding for procurement of short term power for the period 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 09/06/2020
373 - Suo_motu Mitigation of impact of Covid-19 on electricity Distribution Licensees and consumers of Rajasthan 03/06/2020
374 - Suo-Motu RERC (Service) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2020 08/05/2020
375 1598/2020 M/s Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. In the matter of under Section 62, 86(1)(a) and 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 against the action of the Respondent for re-categorize from Large Industrial category to Non-Domestic category 23/04/2020
376 - Suo-Motu Mitigation of Impact of Covid 19 on Electricity Distribution Licensees and Consumers of Rajasthan 15/04/2020
377 1526/2019 M/s BLS Ecotech Ltd. Under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 and Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003. 18/03/2020
378 1577/2019 M/s HNV Casting Pvt. Ltd. Review of Commissions orders dt 15.10.2019 11/03/2020
379 1580/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Review of Commissions order dated 21.10.2019 11/03/2020
380 - Suo-Motu Policy directives issued by the State Government u/s 108(1) of Electricity Act, 2003 with regard to Solar and Wind power generation 05/03/2020
381 - Suo-Motu RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 28/02/2020
382 1576/2019 M/s Synergy Steels Ltd. Under Regulation 30 (3) and 31 of RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016 regarding excess drawal penalty charges and removal of difficulties 25/02/2020
383 1595/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. Review of Commission order dt. 04.11.2019 25/02/2020
384 1496/2019 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Seeking amendment in Regulation 2 of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Renewable Energy Sources-Wind and Solar Energy) Regulations, 2014 18/02/2020
385 1574/2019 Indian Railways through North Western Railway Seeking direction to RVPN for considering RBI Letter of Mandate against payment security 18/02/2020
386 1379/2018 M/s Bhiwadi Iron Pvt. Ltd. For redressal of grievance under Section 94 (1) (f) of the Act and Regulations 30 (3) and 31 of RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016 regarding penalties against excess energy drawal. 12/02/2020
387 - Suo-Motu In the matter of Ring fencing of Rajasthan State Load Despatch Centre 07/02/2020
388 1513/2019 M/s Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Seeking review and clarification of Commission order dated 22.05.2019 05/02/2020
389 1548/2019 M/s Nitin Spinners Ltd. For non-compliance of the order of SLDC and SPC by Discom. 05/02/2020
390 - Suo-Motu RERC (Renewable Energy Obligation) (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2020 04/02/2020
391 1486/2019 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Seeking Review of Commission order dated 10.12.201 04/02/2020
392 1503/2019 M/s JSW Energy (Barmer) Ltd. Seeking amendment in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 31/01/2020
393 1527/2019 RVUNL Seeking amendment in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 31/01/2020
394 1534/2019 RVPN Seeking amendment in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 31/01/2020
395 1532/2019 Shri Ratanlal Kanwarlal Patni Girls College Review and clarification of RERC (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019. 31/01/2020
396 1550/2019 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Review and clarification of the Commission Order dated 24.06.2019 29/01/2020
397 - Suo-Motu RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 28/01/2020
398 1540/2019 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Review of Commission Order dated 13.06.2019 27/01/2020
399 1551/2019 Rajasthan Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Review of Commission order dated 05.08.2019 27/01/2020
400 - Suo-Motu RERC (Settlement of Disputes by Electricity Ombudsman)(2nd Amendment) Regulations, 2019 22/01/2020
401 1568/2019 M/s Shriram Pistons and Rings Ltd. u/s 142 of the Electricity Act for non-compliance of Ombudsman order 21/01/2020
402 1573/2019 M/s Sunbeam Auto Pvt. Ltd. u/s 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Commission order dated 28.02.2019 21/01/2020
403 1545/2019 Shri Mahesh Kumar Gautam Non compliance of Commissions order dated 28.05.2018 16/01/2020
404 1560/2019 Indian Medical Association Non compliance of Commission order dated 28.05.2018 16/01/2020
405 I.A. No.4 and 5 in Petition No. 1220/17 and 1283/17 M/s Rajwest Power Ltd. Adjudication of disputes with Discoms regarding Change in Law 15/01/2020
406 1530/2019 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Review of Commission order dated 30.05.2019 15/01/2020
407 1547/2019 M/s Lords Chloro Alkali Ltd. For redressal of grievance under Regulations 30 (3) of RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016 regarding penalties against excess energy drawal. 15/01/2020
408 1480/2019 M/s Indus Towers Ltd. In the matter of non compliance of Ombudsman Order dt, 18.01.2018 17/12/2019
409 - Suo-Motu Direction to RREC to adopt RPO portal developed by MNRE 10/12/2019
410 1537/19 and 1538/19 M/s RSWM Ltd. M/s Sangam (India) Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 05/12/2019
411 1413/2018 M/s NHPC Limited Adjudication of disputes under Section 86 (1) (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 regarding compensation for generation loss against deemed generation 04/12/2019
412 1525/2019 M/s RSWM Ltd. Redressal of grievance under Regulation 30(3) of RERC (Term and Conditions of Open Access) Regulation, 2016 04/12/2019
413 1484/2019 M/s Rajasthan Patrika Pvt. Ltd. Under Regulation 31 of RERC Open Access Regulations 2016 for removal of difficulties regarding re-allocation of solar power for captive consumption 04/11/2019
414 1483/2019 M/s HNV Castings Pvt. Ltd. Redressal of grievance under Regulation 30(3) of Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 15/10/2019
415 1533/2019 M/s Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd. Review cum clarificatory petition filed for adjudication of dispute under Section 86(1)(f) read with Section 142 of the Electricity Act for non-compliance of Commissions order 15/10/2019
416 1271/2017 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. Non-compliance of Commissions order dated 23.03.2017 15/10/2019
417 1382/18, 1406/18, 1431/18, 1495/19, 1511/19 and 1531/19 M/s Tanot Wind Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute regarding RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and related matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 27/09/2019
418 1552/2019 JVVNL For redressal of grievance under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC ( Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 27/09/2019
419 1384/2018 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 24/09/2019
420 1505/2019 M/s DSR Steel Pvt. Ltd. Seeking redressal of grievances under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions of Open Access) Regulations, 2016 24/09/2019
421 1497/2019 M/s HNV Castings Private Ltd. Non-compliance of Commissions order dated 28.02.2019 24/09/2019
422 1454/2019 JVVNL Seeking amendment in RERC (Transmission Licensees Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2004 17/09/2019
423 1487/2019 M/s Rollz Material Handling Systems Private Ltd. Seeking direction to imply agriculture tariff to Solid Waste Management Project 12/09/2019
424 1424/2018 RVPN Approval of Investment Plan for FY 2019-20 11/09/2019
425 1317/2018 RVUNL Adjudication of dispute 04/09/2019
426 1453/2019 Western Central Railway Seeking direction to provide Long Term Open Access for its Captive Wind Power Plant 04/09/2019
427 1480/2019 M/s Indus Tower Ltd. Non-compliance of Ombudsmans order dt. 18.10.2018 27/08/2019
428 1518/19, 1519/19 and 1520/19 M/s Roha Dyechem Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Review cum clarificatory petition filed for adjudication of dispute under Section 86(1)(f) read with Section 142 of the Electricity Act for non-compliance of Commissions order 27/08/2019
429 1508/2019 JVVNL Seeking approval for construction of electrical infrastructure to provide electricity connection to Industrial area in village Nangal 22/08/2019
430 1459/2019 RVUNL Seeking in-principle approval of capital expenditure for implementation of revised emission norms for RVUNs power plants 21/08/2019
431 1416/2018, 1419/2018 and 1422/2018 JVVNL AVVNL JdVVNL Determination of ARR and tariff for FY 2019-20 07/08/2019
432 1537/19 1538/19 M/s RSWM Ltd and Ors Adjudication of dispute 02/08/2019
433 889/2016 890/2016/ 1325/21018 M/s Dhariwal Industries Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 30/07/2019
434 - Suo-Motu Methodology of additional charges for violation of sign change under DSM Mechanism 25/07/2019
435 1456/2019 M/s Casablanca Industries Pvt. Ltd. Redressal of disputes under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC Open Access Regulation 2016 against levy of excess drawl penal charges 19/07/2019
436 1379/2018 M/s Bhiwadi Iron Pvt. Ltd. Redressal of disputes under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC Open Access Regulation 2016 against levy of excess drawl penal charges 18/07/2019
437 1457/2019 M/s Bhiwadi Iron Private Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dated 02.01.2019 passed in petition no. RERC/1379/18 18/07/2019
438 1443-1449/19,1488-1494/19,1498-1501/19,1512/19,1521-1524/19 M/s Jivraj Tea Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 18/07/2019
439 1383/2018 M/s Rajasthan Gums Pvt. Ltd. Seeking relief for Change in Law events in terms of CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2013 11/07/2019
440 1425/18 1427/18 1428/18 M/s Meels Hotels Pvt. Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute 13/06/2019
441 1464/2019 JVVNL AVVNL JdVVNL Recovery of additional power purchase cost through special FSA 13/06/2019
442 1329/2018 M/s JSW Energy (Barmer) Ltd. Seeking in-principle approval for additional capitalization on account of up gradation of Electrostatic Precipitators and Lime Handling System. 30/05/2019
443 - Suo-Motu Forms for furnishing ARR,Tariff and truing up proposals for Generating companies, Transmission Licensee and SLDC 30/05/2019
444 - Suo-Motu Forms for furnishing ARR, Tariff and Truing up proposals for Distribution Licensee 30/05/2019
445 1426/2018 M/s JSW Energy (Barmer) Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/05/2019
446 1429/2018 M/s Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/05/2019
447 1461-1463/19 1465-1468/19 M/s Goyal Fashions Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 17/05/2019
448 - Suo-Motu Tariff Regulations, 2019 10/05/2019
449 1327/2018 M/s Tesco Energy Two Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 08/05/2019
450 1367/2018 State Load Despatch Centre Adjudication of dispute regarding demand of UI/Deviation charges 23/04/2019
451 577/2015 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. determination of compensation/tariff adjustment 23/04/2019
452 1380/2018 M/s Sorabh Cement Ltd. Redressal of disputes under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC Open Access Regulation 2016 23/04/2019
453 1375, 1389, 1391-1393, 1440/18 M/s Jai Mangal Infrapowers Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 23/04/2019
454 1452/2019 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Levy of open access charges on energy drawan 23/04/2019
455 1374/2018 M/s Arjun Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 23/04/2019
456 1390/2018 RVPN Regarding rebate for prompt payment 23/04/2019
457 1455/2019 JVVNL Request to waive off the short fall in RPO 05/04/2019
458 1395-1401, 1408-1412, 1430, 1432-1438/2018, 1450-1451/2019, 1460/2019, 1469-1471/2019, 1475-1476/2019 Rajasthan Gums Pvt. Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute 22/03/2019
459 1407/2018 M/s Balaji Forgings Pvt. Ltd. Review of Eleventh Amendment of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2004 08/03/2019
460 - Suo-Motu RERC (Renewable Energy Certificate and Renewable Purchase Obligation Compliance Framework) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2019 05/03/2019
461 - Suo-Motu Second Amendment in Tariff Regulations of Wind and Solar Energy and First Amendment in Tariff Regulations of Biomass, Biogas and Biomass Gasifier 05/03/2019
462 - Suo-Motu RERC (Connectivity and Net Metering for Rooftop and Small Solar Grid Interactive Systems) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 05/03/2019
463 - Suo-Motu RERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2019 05/03/2019
464 1372/2018 M/s Sunbeam Auto Pvt. Ltd. Non-compliance of SLDC’s order 28/02/2019
465 1381/2018 M/s Garima Overseas Ltd. Non-compliance of SLDC’s order 28/02/2019
466 431/13 1388/18 RVPN and M/s SKS Power Generation (Chhattisgarh) Ltd. Adoption of tariff regarding procurement of 1000 MW power through case-I bidding 26/02/2019
467 1321/2018 M/s Nirma Ltd. For redressal of grievance under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC ( Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 22/02/2019
468 1342/2018 M/s Energo Engineering Projects Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/02/2019
469 - Suo-Motu RERC (Service) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2019 14/02/2019
470 1371/2018 M/s Ramayana Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Review of Eleventh Amendment of RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2004 08/02/2019
471 1373/2018 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Determination of the compensation/adjustment in tariff 08/02/2019
472 1331/18 1332/18 1333/18 M/s Vitesse Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 31/01/2019
473 1394/2018 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Seeking declaration for Change in Law in respect of installation of additional systems in compliance with the revised Environment norms 25/01/2019
474 - Suo-Motu RERC (Power Purchase and Procurement Process of Distribution Licensees) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 RERC (Renewable Energy Obligation) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2018 11/01/2019
475 1197/2017 JVVNL AVVNL JdVVNL Seeking directions on the procurement of power 09/01/2019
476 1372/2018 M/s Sunbeam Auto Pvt. Ltd. Non-compliance of SLDC’s order 09/01/2019
477 I.A. No.6 in 392/13 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Seeking clarification of Order dated 17.05.2018 08/01/2019
478 1271/2017 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd. Non-compliance of Commission’s order dated 23.03.2017 04/01/2019
479 - Suo-Motu RERC (Fee) Regulations, 2018 31/12/2018
480 1378/2018 M/s ACME Jodhpur Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute 26/12/2018
481 1377/2018 M/s Tanot Wind Power Ventures Pvt. Ltd. For consideration of issues decided by Commission in its tariff order dt. 29.05.2015. 20/12/2018
482 1354/2018 M/s Shri Kripa Industries LLP Redressal of grievances under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 14/12/2018
483 1304/17 1305/17 1306/17 M/s K.S. Oils Ltd. Non-Compliance of Commission’s Orders issued in the matter of Late Payment Surcharge 10/12/2018
484 1241-1248/17, 1263/17, 1281-1282/17, 1299/17, 1311/18, 1314/18, 1322/18, 1350-1351/18, 1353/18, 1358/18 and 1386/18 M/s Dhanuka Agritech Limited and Ors Adjudication of dispute (LPS) 10/12/2018
485 1249-1250/17, 1259-1260/17, 1262/17, 1312/18, 1328/18, 1338-1339/18, 1341/18, 1347-1348/18 and 1387/18 M/s Mukand Industries Pvt. Ltd. and Ors Non-Compliance of Commission’s Orders issued in the matter of Late Payment Surcharge 10/12/2018
486 1360/2018 M/s Dalas Biotech Ltd. Redressal of grievances under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 10/12/2018
487 1388/2018 M/s SKS Power Generation (Chhattisgarh) Ltd. Adoption of tariff through case-I bidding 16/11/2018
488 1235/2017 M/s Tirupati Fibres and Industries Ltd. Non-compliance of Commission’s order dated 17.04.2017 15/11/2018
489 1239/2017 M/s Ultratech Cement Ltd. Seeking clarifications regarding Commission’s order dated 13.06.2017 15/11/2018
490 1368/2018 M/s ITC Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 15/11/2018
491 1324/2018 M/s Railway Energy Management Co. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 05/11/2018
492 1385/2018 M/s V. S. Lignite and Power Ltd. Challenging not grant of NOC by SLDC for Short term open access 01/11/2018
493 1362/18 1363/18 M/s Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 31/10/2018
494 475/2014 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 25/10/2018
495 476/2014 M/s DCM Shriram Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 25/10/2018
496 431/2013 RVPN Adoption of tariff regarding procurement of 1000 MW power through case-I bidding 16/10/2018
497 1349/2018 M/s Bhavik Terryfab For redressal of grievance under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC ( Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 12/10/2018
498 1355/2018 M/s M R Industries For redressal of grievance under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC ( Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 12/10/2018
499 1276/2017 M/s V. S. Lignite Power Private Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 12/10/2018
500 1345/2018 M/s JK Cement Works Adjudication of dispute 09/10/2018
501 1369/2018 M/s Rajwest Power Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 04/10/2018
502 577/2015 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. For determining the compensation/tariff adjustment 24/09/2018
503 1212/2017 M/s Kishangarh Hi-Tech Textile Park Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 24/09/2018
504 1366/2018 M/s Synergy Steels Ltd. For redressal of grievance under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC ( Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 24/09/2018
505 1326/2018 M/s Indian Railways Seeking refund of the connectivity charges from RVPN. 18/09/2018
506 1378/2018 M/s ACME Jodhpur Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute 18/09/2018
507 1370/2018 Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Approval of bidding document along with PPA for procurement of 450 MW of electricity under Case-4 14/09/2018
508 1320/2018 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Seeking approval for setting up of charging stations for electric vehicles. 07/09/2018
509 1308/2017 Sunstar Management Consulting Group Seeking directions for implementation of the Net Metering Regulations 05/09/2018
510 1318/2018 Indian Wind Power Association Seeking relaxation in effective date and clarification on other provisions of RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017 05/09/2018
511 1344/2018 Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Seeking directions for amendment in Regulation 33 of RERC (Terms and conditions for determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 05/09/2018
512 1319/2018 Discoms Review of Commission’s Order dated 09.01.2018 14/08/2018
513 1346/2018 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Seeking amendment in Regulation 2 of RERC (Terms and conditions for determination of tariff for renewable energy sources-Wind and Solar Energy) Regulations, 2014 14/08/2018
514 1323/2018 M/s Arjun Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 31/07/2018
515 1274/2017 Discoms Review of Commission’s order dated 27.04.2017 29/05/2018
516 1277/2017 RWPL Adjudication of dispute 29/05/2018
517 1283/2017 RWPL Adjudication of dispute regarding Change in Law 29/05/2018
518 1220/2017 RWPL Adjudication of dispute regarding Change in Law 29/05/2018
519 431/2013 RVPN Adoption of tariff regarding procurement of 1000 MW power through case-I bidding 29/05/2018
520 392/2013 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 17/05/2018
521 1343/2018 BLMCL Review of Commission’s Order dated 05.04.2018 17/05/2018
522 1330/2018 M/s Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Representation in the matter of Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters 16/05/2018
523 1265/2017 RVUN In-principle approval of additional capitalization for providing Sewer System at STPS Unit 1-6 10/05/2018
524 1335/2018 M/s Hadoti Power Transmission Service Limited Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 04/05/2018
525 1336/2018 M/s Thar Power Transmission Service Limited Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 04/05/2018
526 1337/2018 M/s Barmer Power Transmission Service Limited Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 04/05/2018
527 1275/2017 M/s Bonafide Arts Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 01/05/2018
528 1270/2017 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Change in Law 12/04/2018
529 958/16 965/16 M/s Clean Wind Power (Devgarh) Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of dispute 05/04/2018
530 1261/2017 RVUN Amendment in RERC (Rajasthan Electricity Grid Code) Regulation, 2008. 04/04/2018
531 1303/2017 Discoms For clarification regarding duration of the PPAs executed under REC frame work 22/03/2018
532 1269/2017 M/s Agrawal Solar Power Ventures (Rajasthan) Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 21/03/2018
533 1220/2017 RWPL Adjudication of dispute 21/03/2018
534 1283/2017 RWPL Adjudication of dispute 21/03/2018
535 1264/2017 M/s Jai Mangal Infrapowers Pvt.Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 21/03/2018
536 1124/2017 RWPL Review of Commission’s Order dated 24.2.2016 21/03/2018
537 1307/2017 M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dated 26.09.2017 27/02/2018
538 1342/2018 M/s Energo Engineering Projects Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/02/2018
539 1278/2017 M/s Dhursar Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Review of Commission’s order dated 01.11.2017 27/02/2018
540 1252/2017 M/s Shekhawati Transmission Service Company Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/02/2018
541 1302/2017 M/s National Enterprises Adjudication of dispute 24/01/2018
542 1313/2018 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Limited For approval of Supplementary Power Purchase Agreement 24/01/2018
543 879/2016 M/s Gurha Thermal Power Company Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute 09/01/2018
544 1240/2017 RVUN Review of Commission’s order dt. 20.06.2017 09/01/2018
545 1297/17 and 1298/17 RREC Review of Commission’s Order dated 09.11.2017 09/01/2018
546 1266/2017 M/s Aravali Transmission Service Co. Ltd. Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 05/01/2018
547 1267/2017 M/s Maru Transmission Service Co. Ltd. Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 05/01/2018
548 1300/2017 M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. For clarification in the Commission’s order dt. 26.09.2017 02/01/2018
549 1301/2017 M/s BLS Ecotech Ltd. For clarification of the Commission’s order dt. 27.11.2017 02/01/2018
550 1223/17 1224/17 M/s Ramayana Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 21/12/2017
551 1279/17 1280/17 M/s Raghuveer Metal Industries Ltd. M/s Ratnakar Ispat India Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 07/12/2017
552 1268/2017 M/s Sri Kastur Chand Daga Solar Power Inc. Adjudication of dispute 07/12/2017
553 593/2016 BLMCL determination of Transfer Price of Lignite from Kapurdi Mine for FY 2016-17 04/12/2017
554 786-799, 812-815, 847,1164-1176,1196/17, Renew Wind Energy (AP 3) Pvt. Ltd. Backing down of generation of electricity 29/11/2017
555 923/16, 924/16, 928/16, 929/16 M/s Ultratech Cement Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) and 31 of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 27/11/2017
556 1007/2016 M/s BLC Ecotech Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) and 31 of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 27/11/2017
557 1126/17, 1127/17 M/s Suncity Sheets Pvt Ltd. M/s Suncity Strips and Tubes Pvt Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 17/11/2017
558 1163/2017 M/s Nirma Limited Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) and 31 of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 17/11/2017
559 1091/2017 M/s Deepak Vegpro Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 16/11/2017
560 1104/2017 M/s Semco Electric Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) and 31 of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 16/11/2017
561 1103/17, 1113/17, 1114/17 M/s Synergy Steels Ltd. and Ors Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 (3) of RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016 14/11/2017
562 867/2016 RREC For non-compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation by Discoms. 14/11/2017
563 1031/2017 M/s Arjun Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 09/11/2017
564 1075/17 M/s Energo Engineering Projects Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 09/11/2017
565 - Suo-Motu RERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2017 08/11/2017
566 1125/2017 M/s Dhursar Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 01/11/2017
567 1255/2017 M/s Barmer Power Transmission Service Limited Grant of Transmission Licence 01/11/2017
568 1256/2017 M/s Thar Power Transmission Service Limited Grant of Transmission Licence 01/11/2017
569 1258/2017 M/s Hadoti Power Transmission Service Limited Grant of Transmission Licence 01/11/2017
570 1101/2017 M/s BSL Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 13/10/2017
571 1254/2017 M/s Thar Power Transmission Service Ltd. Adoption of transmission charges 26/09/2017
572 1253/2017 M/s Barmer Power Transmission Service Ltd. Adoption of transmission charges 26/09/2017
573 1257/2017 M/s Hadoti Power Transmission Service Ltd. Adoption of transmission charges 26/09/2017
574 1098/2017 M/s Suryaa Chamball Power Ltd. For allowing transmission losses suffered due to non-shifting of meter 26/09/2017
575 1036/2017 M/s Sagar Powertex Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 26/09/2017
576 1021/2017 M/s Jindal Saw Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dated 01.12.2016 26/09/2017
577 838/2016 M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 26/09/2017
578 964/2016 M/s Bindu Vayu Urja Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 14/09/2017
579 1099/2017 RVUN In-principal approval of additional capitalization RGTPS Stage I and II (110 MW) 14/09/2017
580 - Suo-Motu RERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2017. 14/09/2017
581 1251/2017 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 06/09/2017
582 849/2016 M/s Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd. Non-compliance of Commission’s order dt. 20.06.2016 06/09/2017
583 1031/17 and 1075/17 M/s Arjun Green Power Pvt. Ltd. M/s Energo Engineering Projects Ltd. Application filed by Respondent to implead Discoms as necessary and proper party. 06/09/2017
584 - Suo-Motu Corrigendum in RERC ( Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2017 30/08/2017
585 1236/2017 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 11/08/2017
586 - Suo-Motu RERC (Electricity Supply Code and Connected Matters) (Eleventh Amendment) Regulations, 2017 09/08/2017
587 1107-1112, 1117-1122, 1128, 1131-1142, 1177-1179, 1190-1194, 1216-1219, 1226-1234/17 M/s Link Enterprises and others Adjudication of Dispute (LPS) 03/08/2017
588 1083-1088, 1092-1097, 1115-1116, 1129, 1143-1162, 1180-1189, 1198-1211, 1213-1215, 1225, 1237-1238/17 M/s Sharma Industries and others Non compliance of Commission’s order 03/08/2017
589 745/2016 M/s Progressive and Popular Minerals Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 01/08/2017
590 597/2016 National Solar Energy Federation of India Petition filed under Section 61, 62 and 86 (1) (a), (c), (e) of Electricity Act, 2003 01/08/2017
591 493/2014 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. I.A. No.7 of 2017 for seeking direction to Respondents to pay compensation for Clean Energy Cess as Change in Law as approved in order dt. 29.12.2015. 17/07/2017
592 1130/2017 M/s Kripa Steels Industries Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 and 31 of the Open Access Regulations, 2016 11/07/2017
593 878/2016 M/s Ultratech Cement Limited Adjudication of dispute under Regulation 30 of Open Access Regulations, 2016. 13/06/2017
594 869/2016 M/s Premier Bars Pvt. Ltd. Non-compliance of Ombudsman’s order dt. 30.06.2016 08/06/2017
595 925/2016 M/s Adinath Sortex Non-compliance of Ombudsman’s order dt.16.08.2016. 08/06/2017
596 1011/2016 M/s SKM Products Non compliance of the Ombudsman order dt. 20.09.2016 08/06/2017
597 482/2014 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. U/s 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of ABT Regulations and CPP Regulations 08/06/2017
598 920/2016 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Seeking compensation/tariff adjustment under Section 86 of the Electricity Act read with Article 10 and 14 of the PPA 08/06/2017
599 - Suo-Motu Power Purchase Regulations, 2016 (Fourth Amendment), RPO Regulations, 2016 (Fourth Amendment) and REC Regulations, 2016 (Second Amendment) 07/06/2017
600 1020/2017 M/s Ultratech Cement Ltd. For removal of difficulties under Regulation 15 of RPO Regulations, 2010 25/05/2017
601 1057-1058/17 and 1061/17 M/s RSWM Ltd. and Ors. Aggrieved with notice of Discoms regarding recovery of alleged RPO dues. 25/05/2017
602 550/2015 Wind Independent Power Producers Association Seeking directions for compliance of RPO imposed upon the obligated entities in the State 15/05/2017
603 837/2016 Green Energy Association Petition filed under Sections 142 and 146 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of Solar RPOs for the FY 2011-12 to FY 2014-15 by the obligated entities. 04/05/2017
604 1123/2017 Discoms Amendment in RERC (Supply Code and Connected Matters) Regulations, 2004 03/05/2017
605 1089/2017 RVUN Amendment in normative Station Heat Rate of Chhabra Thermal Power Station Stage-1 (Unit 1 to 4) 24/04/2017
606 1102/2017 M/s Mytrah Vayu (Som) Pvt. Ltd. Arbitrary and unlawful delay in executing the PPA and applicability of Generic Tariff Order for Wind Power Plants 19/04/2017
607 1090/2017 M/s Tirupati Fibres and Industries Ltd. Petition filed under Section 56(1) and 142 of the Act and Regulation 30 and 31 of Open Access Regulations, 2016 17/04/2017
608 960/2016 M/s Adani Transmission (Rajasthan) Ltd. Approval under Section 17 (3) and (4) of the Electricity Act,2003 11/04/2017
609 839/16 840/16 RREC seeking directions against the defaulting obligated entities for the shortfall in meeting the RPO 23/03/2017
610 877/2016 M/s Jindal Saw Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dt. 24.08.2016. 09/03/2017
611 891/16 to 918/16, 921/16 and 922/16 M/s RSWM Ltd. and Ors. Review of Commission order dt. 24.08.2016 21/02/2017
612 870-875, 880-888, 926-927, 933-957, 971-980, 1008-1009 1025-1030, 1054-1056, 1062-1066 M/s Markdata Power and Energy Ltd. and Ors. Adjudication of Dispute (LPS) 15/02/2017
613 859- 866, 930-932, 961-963, 981- 984, 994-998, 1012-1019/16, 1022-1024, 1032-1034,1037-1053, 1067-1074, 1081/17 M/s J.N. Investments and Trading Co, Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Non-Compliance of Commission’s Order 15/02/2017
614 1090/2017 M/s Tirupati Fibres and Industries Ltd. Petition filed under Section 56 (1) and 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Regulation 30/31 of the RERC Open Access Regulations, 2016 09/02/2017
615 493/14 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. IA No 2 for seeking clarification of the order dated 29.12.2015 20/01/2017
616 919/2016 Tirupati Fibers and Industries Adjudication of dispute 12/01/2017
617 627/2016 Shri Ram Pistons and Rings Ltd. Non compliance of ombudsman order 12/01/2017
618 968/16 to 970/16, 985/16 1006/16 M/s Birla Corporation Ltd. and Ors. Removal of difficulties under RPO Regulations 27/12/2016
619 1003-16 to 1005/16 1010/16 M/s J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd. and Ors. Petitions filed under Section 86 (1) (e) and 142 of the Act 27/12/2016
620 478/2014 Discoms Adjudication of dispute 14/12/2016
621 502/2015 M/s National Energy Trading and Services Ltd. Review of Commission’s order dt. 24.01.2014 14/12/2016
622 603/2016 M/s DCM Shriram Limited Petition filed under Section 86(1) (a), (k) and 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 13/12/2016
623 604/16 848/16 868/16 M/s Shree Krishna Rolling Mills and others Seeking clarification regarding levying of wheeling charges 13/12/2016
624 567/15 568/15 M/s Suzlon Energy Ltd. Petitions filed under Section 86(1)(b), (e) and (f) of the Electricity Act, 2003 06/12/2016
625 601/2016 Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Adjudication of Dispute 24/11/2016
626 - Suo-Motu Truing-up Formats for Distribution Licensee 02/11/2016
627 596/2016 U. P. Ceramics and Potteries Ltd. Adjudication of Dispute 20/09/2016
628 733/16 to 743, 746 to 758, 762 to 785, 800 to 811, 818 to 836, 841 to 846, 850 to 858/16 M/s Swapnali Bhosale (Wind Mill Farm) and others Adjudication of Dispute (LPS) 19/09/2016
629 658/2016 M/s J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd. Non-compliance of Ombudsman Order dt. 01.03.2016. 08/09/2016
630 744/2016 M/s Adani Transmission (Rajasthan) Ltd. Grant of Transmission License for 400 kV D/C Suratgarh-Bikaner line. 30/08/2016
631 759/2016 M/s Mangalam Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 11/08/2016
632 587/2015 RSEB Engineers’ Association Non-compliance by Discoms of condition 9 of the licence 04/08/2016
633 644/16 645/16 World Renewal Spiritual Trust Non-compliance of Ombudsman Order dt. 14.01.2016. 04/08/2016
634 646/16 647/16 M/s Global Hospital and Research Centre Non-compliance of Ombudsman Order dt. 14.01.2016. 04/08/2016
635 536/2015 Discoms Determination of wheeling and Cross subsidy surcharge for FY 2015-16 28/07/2016
636 480/2014 M/s Phulera Granite Impex Non- compliance of Ombudsman’s order dt. 02.06.14 28/07/2016
637 602/2016 M/s Hindustan Zinc Ltd. challenging the direction issued by RREC for RPO compliance 28/07/2016
638 542/2015 M/s Stoneage Pvt. Ltd. Petition under Section 142 of the Electricity Act 06/07/2016
639 556/2015 M/s Suryaa Chamball Power Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 04/07/2016
640 624/2016 M/s KEC Bikaner-Sikar Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 04/07/2016
641 761/2016 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 30/06/2016
642 523/2015 RWPL Adjudication of dispute 29/06/2016
643 561/2015 M/s Kishangarh Hi-Tech Textile Park Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/06/2016
644 576/2015 M/s Maharaja Shree Umaid Mills Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 20/06/2016
645 702/2016 M/s Shekhawati Transmission Service Co. Ltd. Approval under Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 2003 20/06/2016
646 551/2015 National Engineering Industries Dispute regarding unutilized energy under Open Access Regulations 16/06/2016
647 598-600/16,605/16,610-623/16,628-643/16 649-651/16,653-657/16,659-699/16,703-732/16 M/s KRBL Ltd.and Anr. Adjudication of dispute 14/06/2016
648 472/2014 Central Academy Non compliance of Ombudsman’s order 01.05.2014 09/06/2016
649 700/2016 M /s REI Power Bazaar Pvt. Ltd. Seeking permission for setting up Intra-state power market in Rajasthan 24/05/2016
650 - Suo-Motu Approval of Procedure for grant of Open Access 18/05/2016
651 570- 574, 578, 580, 588/15 M/s Arvind Construction Co (P) Ltd. and others, Adjudication of dispute 28/03/2016
652 591/2016 M/s Energo Engineering Projects Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 16/03/2016
653 577/2015 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 15/03/2016
654 586/2015 M/s Arjun Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 15/03/2016
655 503/2015 M/s Ramayana Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Non settlement of UI account 09/03/2016
656 581/2015 M/s KEC Bikaner-Sikar Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Grant of Transmission License for 400 kV D/C Bikaner-Sikar line. 04/03/2016
657 575/2015 M/s Shri Maheshwari Pvt. Industrial Training Institute Non-compliance of the Ombudsman’s order dt. 05.02.2015 24/02/2016
658 589/2016 M/s Ginni International Ltd. Clarifications on applicability of 3.8% losses on interstate open acess 12/02/2016
659 - Suo-Motu Truing-up Formats for Transmission Companies 11/02/2016
660 496/2014 Rajwest Power Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 05/02/2016
661 558/2015 Nikhar Minerals Non-compliance of the Ombudsman’s order dt. 05.06.2015 04/02/2016
662 560/2015 M/s R.M. Mittal Steels Pvt. Ltd. Clarifications on applicability of 3.8% losses on interstate open acess 29/01/2016
663 585/2015 M.s National Engineering Industries Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dated 24.11.2015 29/01/2016
664 582/2015 Discoms Review of Commission’s Order dt. 07.10.2015 27/01/2016
665 - Suo-Motu Truing-up Formats for Generating Companies 25/01/2016
666 564/2015 M/s Sun Minerals Non-compliance of the Ombudsman’s order dt. 04.03.2013 21/01/2016
667 559/2015 M/s balaji Milk Ice Cream and Ice Non-compliance of the Ombudsman’s order dt. 24.06.2015 21/01/2016
668 - Suo-Motu Statement of objects and reasons on second amendment in SOP Transmission Regulations, 2004. 11/01/2016
669 493/2014 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. I.A. 1 of 2015 29/12/2015
670 466/14 and 501/15 M/s MTSCL and ATSCL Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
671 521/2015 M/s Hindusthan Urban Infrastructure Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
672 522/2015 M/s ISC Projects Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
673 524/2015 M/s Jaisalmer Marbles Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
674 526/2015 M/s Essgee Real Estate Developers Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
675 525/2015 M/s Essgee Real Estate Developers Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
676 527/2015 M/s Arora Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
677 528/2015 M/s Raj Trans Stampings(P) Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
678 529/2015 M/s Rahul Dravid Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
679 530/2015 Orange Renewable Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
680 531/2015 Orange Jaisalmer Wind Energy Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
681 532/2015 Chemical and Mineral Industries Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
682 533/2015 M/s Malaxmi Wind Power Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
683 538/2015 M/s Bhabani Pigments Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
684 539/2015 M/s Miraj Products Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
685 543/2015 Sh. Madan Lal Paliwal Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
686 544/2015 M/s JLC Electromet Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
687 545/2015 Rishi Kiran Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
688 546/2015 Rishi Kiran Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
689 547/2015 M/s Maxwell Inc. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
690 549/2015 Mukand Industries Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2015
691 540/2015 M/s Gaurav Package Non-compliance of the Ombudsman’s order dt. 31.10.2014 04/12/2015
692 482/2014 M/s Shree Cement Limited Non compliance of RERC (Intra-State ABT) Regulations, 2006 04/12/2015
693 519/2015 M/s Oswal Cables Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 04/12/2015
694 520/2015 M/s Advance Metering Technology Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 04/12/2015
695 565/2015 Discoms Seeking relaxation in 10% cap on fuel surcharge under Tariff Regulations, 2014 03/12/2015
696 583/2015 Discoms extension of implementation of Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) 03/12/2015
697 565/2015 Discoms Seeking relaxation in 10% cap on fuel surcharge under Tariff Regulations, 2014 02/12/2015
698 515/2015 M/s Centaur Mercantile Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 02/12/2015
699 516/2015 M/s Jajoo Exports Adjudication of dispute 02/12/2015
700 518/2015 M/s Punit Construction Company Adjudication of dispute 02/12/2015
701 562/2015 RVPN Approval of Unitary Charges for Suratgarh TPS – Bikaner Transmission Line Project 27/11/2015
702 566/2015 RVPN approval of Unitary Charges for Babai-Jaipur (North) Transmission Line Project 27/11/2015
703 506/2015 M/s Sterling Agro Indistries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
704 507/2015 M/s Varroc Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
705 510/2015 M/s Sun and Sand Hotels Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
706 511/2015 M/s Rajendra Exim Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
707 512/2015 M/s Devki Builders Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
708 513/2015 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
709 514/2015 M/s Toyop Relief Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2015
710 509/2015 M/s National Engineering Industries Ltd. Adjudication of dispute for deduction of loss from energy drawn under Open Access 24/11/2015
711 490/2014 M/s Sarayu Investment Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 23/11/2015
712 489/2014 M/s Vitesse Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 23/11/2015
713 494/2014 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 23/11/2015
714 495/2014 Smt. Manju Sanghi Adjudication of dispute 23/11/2015
715 504/2015 M/s Salva Twisters Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 23/11/2015
716 563/2015 M/s ACC Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 17/11/2015
717 569/2015 Indian Biomass Power Association for appropriate amendment in order to ensure viability of the biomass power plants in the State of Rajasthan 17/11/2015
718 541/2015 M/s Vishal Super Power Industries non-compliance of Commission’s orders dated 03.03.2015 05/11/2015
719 508/2015 Discoms relaxation/amendment in 5% rebate and time period specified Supply Code Regulations 09/10/2015
720 555/2015 RVPN Adoption of tariff for 400 kV D/C Bikaner-Sikar Transmission Line Project through PPP mode availing VGF. 09/10/2015
721 497/2014 Kishangarh Hi-Tech Textile Park Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 07/10/2015
722 523/2015 RWPL Adjudication of dispute 07/10/2015
723 557/2015 Discoms Amendment in RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2014 07/10/2015
724 500/2015 The Rajasthan Solar Association Determination of promotional Transmission Charges and Losses for transmission of Solar Power. 14/08/2015
725 392/2013 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. I.A. No. 3 06/08/2015
726 534/2015 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Non compliance of Commission’s order dt. 30.05.2014 06/08/2015
727 - Suo-Motu Clarification regarding tariff provisions for Roof top solar power plants 24/07/2015
728 431/2013 RVPN Adoption of tariff regarding procurement of 1000 MW power through case-I bidding 22/07/2015
729 436/2014 Chandelao Vikas Sansthan Petition filed under Section 86 (1) (b) of the Act for cancellation of the LOI and PPAs 22/07/2015
730 - Suo-Motu Difficulties faced by Discoms in implementing Net metering Regulations,2015 30/06/2015
731 - Suo-Motu Order on Tariff Regulations, 2015 for Biomass, Biogas and Biomass Gasifier Energy. 07/05/2015
732 466/2014 M/s. Maru Transmission Service Company Ltd. I.A. No.1 of 2015 01/05/2015
733 474/2014 M/s Kalani Industries Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 01/05/2015
734 493/2014 M/s Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. determination the compensation/tariff adjustment 29/04/2015
735 475/2014 Shree Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 10/04/2015
736 476/2014 M/s DCM Shriram Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 10/04/2015
737 505/2015 Discoms Approval of implementation of DELP by distribution of LED bulbs 20/03/2015
738 IA 2 of 392/13 Adani Power Rajasthan Limited Adjudication of dispute 18/03/2015
739 461/2014 M/s Maru Transmission Service Company Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 22/01/2015
740 431/2013 RVPN adoption of tariff and approval of deviation regarding procurement of 1000 MW power through case-I bidding. 09/01/2015
741 498/2014 RVPN review of Commission’s order dt. 08.12.2014. 09/01/2015
742 473/2014 RVPN approval of Unitary Charges for initiating the bidding process for the Project through PPP Mode availing VGF. 08/12/2014
743 422/2013 M/s HZL Adjudication of dispute 26/11/2014
744 465/2014 M/s Balkrishna Industries Ltd, Review of Commission order dt. 29.05.2014 14/11/2014
745 421/2013 M/s HZL Adjudication of dispute 11/11/2014
746 425/2013 M/s HZL Adjudication of dispute 11/11/2014
747 245/2011 BLMCL Approval of draft tender document for selection of MDO 31/10/2014
748 434/2013 Sathyam Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 31/10/2014
749 349/2012 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. Removal of difficulty-Segregation of solar component 18/09/2014
750 245/2011 BLMCL Approval of draft tender document for selection of MDO 02/09/2014
751 440/2014 Shrenik Marble Pvt. Ltd Adjudication of dispute 23/07/2014
752 441/2014 Navbharat Buildcon Pvt. Ltd Adjudication of dispute 23/07/2014
753 443/2014 Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 15/07/2014
754 392/2013 Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd Adjudication of dispute 25/06/2014
755 435/2014 V. S. Lignite Power Private Ltd Adjudication of dispute 18/06/2014
756 430/2013 Green Infra Wind Farm Adjudication of dispute 17/06/2014
757 - Suo-Motu Order on Renewable Energy Obligation Regulation 2nd Amendment 30/05/2014
758 392/2013 Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd Adjudication of dispute 30/05/2014
759 253/2011 RVPN determination of losses 29/05/2014
760 405/2013 Shri Rajendra Kumar Mehta compensation for loss in wheat crop 29/05/2014
761 375/2013 M/s. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. non-compliance of Commission’s orders dated 25.7.06 29/05/2014
762 448/2014 RVUN Review of Commission’s Order dated 24.2.2014 29/05/2014
763 449/2014 M/s Transtech Green Power Private Ltd. Review of Commission’s Order dated 21.2.2014 29/05/2014
764 415/2013 M/s Dangayach Hotels Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 08/05/2014
765 431/2013 Chandelao Vikas Sansthan Interlocutory Application 08/05/2014
766 - Suo-Motu Formats for filling tariff petitions 07/04/2014
767 363/2012 M/s PTC Adjudication of dispute 25/02/2014
768 - Suo-Motu MYT Wind and Solar reg 2014 24/02/2014
769 - Suo-Motu Seventh Amendment in tariff regulations 24/02/2014
770 - Suo-Motu RERC MYT tariff regulations 24/02/2014
771 385/2013 M/s Transtech Green Power Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 21/02/2014
772 - Suo-Motu Memo on RERC (Power Purchase and Procurement Process of Distribution Licensee) (3rd Amendment) Regulations, 2014 20/02/2014
773 - Suo-Motu Memo on SoP Regulations of Distribution Licensee, 2012 17/02/2014
774 414/2013 M/s Transtech Green Power Pvt. Ltd. and others for viability of the biomass power plants in the State of Rajasthan 10/02/2014
775 392/13 (IA) Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd Adjudication of dispute 30/01/2014
776 348/2012 two thousand farmers review of order dt.24.08.2012 28/01/2014
777 393/2013 V.S. Lignite Adjudication of dispute 24/01/2014
778 244/2011 RWPL Application filed by RWPL 13/01/2014
779 244/2011 RWPL Application filed by Discoms and Samta Power 13/01/2014
780 321/2012 Two thousand farmers compensation for deficient power supply 10/01/2014
781 417/2013 JVVNL Review of order dated 10.07.13 02/12/2013
782 375/2013 Balkrishna Industries Ltd Adjudication of dispute 28/11/2013
783 359/2012 S. M. Environmental Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 27/11/2013
784 380/2013 Navbharat Buildcon Adjudication of dispute 12/11/2013
785 - Suo-Motu Fee for petition seventh Amend 11/11/2013
786 329/2012 Shree Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 29/10/2013
787 - Suo-Motu Third Amendment in transaction of Business regulations 28/10/2013
788 418/2013 RVPN Allocation and apportionment of losses in solar plants 17/10/2013
789 376/2013 Shekhawati Transmission Service Company Limited Grant of Transmission Licence 08/10/2013
790 404/2013 Sanjog Sugars Determination of preferential tariff 27/09/2013
791 366/2013 Discoms Determination of Wheeling Charges and Losses for FY 2013-14 18/09/2013
792 377/2013 Shekhawati Transmission Service Co. Ltd. Adoption of transmission Tariff 27/08/2013
793 403, 408 to 412 Cooper Foundry and others Adjudication of dispute 21/08/2013
794 416/2013 JVVNL Review of order dt. 06.06.13 19/08/2013
795 384/2013 RVPN Review of order dt.28.12.12 14/08/2013
796 362/2012 Transtech Green Power and S.M. Environmental Adjudication of dispute 05/08/2013
797 398 to 402,407/13 Lovely Fragrances and others Adjudication of dispute 02/08/2013
798 - Suo-Motu Tenth Amendment in Electricity Supply Code 01/08/2013
799 351/2012 Sh. R. Jhalani issuance of unlawful orders by Jaipur Discom 29/07/2013
800 343/2012 Akhil Bhartiya Kisan Sabha Excess levy of charges 10/07/2013
801 392/2013 Adani Power Rajasthan Ltd. Petition under S. 61, 63 and 86 05/07/2013
802 - Suo-Motu Memo onService reg. third amendment 04/07/2013
803 333/2012 RVPN Amendment in Tariff regulations 25/06/2013
804 396/2013 RVPN Approval of deviation in bid process 25/06/2013
805 355/2012 Association of Power Producers Amendment in Open Access 21/06/2013
806 372/2012 Sh.R.G.Gupta Non compliance of Act and regulations 13/06/2013
807 371/2013 RREC Tariff for Biogas based plants 31/05/2013
808 - Suo-Motu Memo on RERC (tariff regulations) (6th Amendment) Regulations, 2013 31/05/2013
809 334/2012 Discoms Amendment in supply code 24/05/2013
810 367, 368,369/13 APM, Balakrishna, Nahar Industries Adjudication of dispute 24/05/2013
811 379/2013 J.K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Sirohi Review of order dated 08.02.13 10/05/2013
812 - Suo-Motu RERC (Metering) (1st Amendment) Regulations, 2013 10/05/2013
813 381/2013 Gura Thermal Power Co. Approval of deviation in bid process 02/05/2013
814 330/2012 RVUN Review of order dt. 10.05.12 22/04/2013
815 378/2012 RVPN Approval for single bidder 15/04/2013
816 350/2012 Discoms Review of order dt. 17.8.12 on meter cost 08/04/2013
817 360/2012 RREC Grant of trading Licence 25/03/2013
818 360/2012 RREC Grant of trading Licence 15/03/2013
819 365/2013 RVPN Approval of deviation in bid process 04/03/2013
820 361/2012 Vishal Exports Overseas Ltd Adjudication of dispute 01/03/2013
821 320/2012 J.K. Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Non-compliance of Act 08/02/2013
822 339/2012 Transtech Green Power Pvt.Ltd Removal of difficulties in RERC regulations 11/01/2013
823 350/2012 Discoms Review of order dt. 17.8.12 - Admissibility 28/12/2012
824 251/2011 Shree Cement Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 28/12/2012
825 344/12 345/12 MTSCL ATSCL Approval under section 17 of Act 24/12/2012
826 347/2012 Sh. R. Jhalani Vs. GoR constitution of a lawful appellant authority under Section-127 (1 12/12/2012
827 319/12 and 332/12 Tata Tele Services and Bharti Hexacom Ltd Non- compliance of Commission’s order dt. 08.09.2011 11/12/2012
828 318,326, 327/12 RREC, Kalani and RSMML Adjudication of dispute 10/12/2012
829 302/12 303/12 and 305/12 JVVNL AVVNL Jd. VVNL Approval of Investment Plan FY13 30/11/2012
830 337/2012 Rajasthan Biomass Power Developers Association Removal of difficulties in Tariff regulations 08/11/2012
831 300/2012 RVPN Approval of Investment Plan FY13 25/10/2012
832 346/2012 RVPN Approval of devation in bidding 18/10/2012
833 272/2011 Raj WestPower Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 17/10/2012
834 - Suo - Motu Memo on Appointment of Consultant(s) (1st Amendment) Regulations 12/10/2012
835 321/2012 Two thousand two hundred agriculturists Determination of compensation 24/08/2012
836 326/12(IA) 327/12(IA) Kalani Ind. and RSMML Adjudication of dispute 22/08/2012
837 - Suo - Motu Memo on Tariff regulations fifth amendment 17/08/2012
838 284/2011 M.S. Naruka vs JVVNL Charging of Higher meter cost 17/08/2012
839 231/2010 Global Energy Ltd. Change of name on Licence 16/08/2012
840 243/11 and 249/11 ATSCL and MTSCL Grant of Transmission Licence 14/08/2012
841 288 to 297 299 301 313/12 Hindustan Zinc Ltd and others Non- compliance of Electricity Act, Rules and Regulations regarding 1 MW OA consumers 24/07/2012
842 307/12 to 310/12 RREC Approval of bid documents 06/07/2012
843 324/2012 Transtech Green Power Pvt. Ltd promotional steps for bio-mass generation 05/07/2012
844 325/2012 RVPN Approval of deviation in bid process 26/06/2012
845 282/2011 Discoms Approval of PPA with Raj WestPower 08/06/2012
846 306/12 and 317/12 Suryaa Chambal and Amrit Envior. Adjudication of dispute 07/06/2012
847 - Suo - Motu Revocation of Trading License of M/s Global Energy Ltd., 07/06/2012
848 318/12 (IA) RREC Adjudication of dispute 06/06/2012
849 - Suo- Motu Memo on Tariff regulations fifth amendment 18/05/2012
850 - Suo- Motu Memo on Tariff regulations fourth amendment 10/05/2012
851 273/2011 RVUN Additional capitalization for KTPS 10/05/2012
852 244/2011 Raj WestPower Ltd. clarificationon COD 27/04/2012
853 298/2012 Kalpataru Power Adjudication of dispute 29/03/2012
854 - Suo- Motu Memo on RERC (Settlement of Disputes by Electricity Ombudsman) (First amendment) Regulations, 2012. 16/03/2012
855 232/2010 Enercon India Infrastructure Ltd Grant of Transmission Licence 22/02/2012
856 298/12 IA Kalpataru Power Adjudication of dispute 14/02/2012
857 228/2010 Shree Raj Syntex Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 10/02/2012
858 288-293/12 Hindustan Zinc and others Non compliance of Act regulations 20/01/2012
859 244/11 and 245/11 Raj WestPower Ltd. Application seeking clarification of order dt. 17.8.11 05/01/2012
860 275/2011 Rajasthan Engineering College Society Review of tariff order dt. 8.9.11 26/12/2011
861 - Suo- Motu Competitive bidding in Wind power Procurement 23/12/2011
862 270/2011 JVVNL Approval of Investment plan 19/12/2011
863 276/2011 RVPN Approval for the Bid Evaluation Committee 14/12/2011
864 228/2010 Shree Raj Syntex Ltd. Adjudication of dispute 08/12/2011
865 247/11 and 248/11 RSMMLvs AVVNL and Balkrishna Vs JVVNL Review of order dt. 06.01.11 29/11/2011
866 - Suo- Motu 3rd amendment in Tariff Regulations -Biomass 18/11/2011
867 243/11 and 249/11 ATSCL and MTSCL Grant of Transmission Licence 24/10/2011
868 254/2011 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. V/s RVPN Review of order dt. 8.4.11 24/10/2011
869 255/11 and 256/11 ATSCL and MTSCL Adoption of Transmission Charges 30/09/2011
870 - Suo- Motu 1st Amend. in CPP regulatios 30/09/2011
871 246/2011 RVPN Approval of Investment plan 30/08/2011
872 229/2010 RVUN In -principle approval of capital cost of STPS unit- 7,8 30/06/2011
873 - Suo- Motu Order no. 11-Tariff for wind power plants for FY12 03/06/2011
874 - Suo-Motu 1st amendment in RE obligation and 2nd amendment in Power Procurement Regulations 24/05/2011
875 - Suo-Motu 2nd amendment inTariff Regulations 24/05/2011
876 235/2010 Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd V/s Jd. VVNL Adjudication of Dispute 04/05/2011
877 241/2010 M/s Shree Cement Ltd. V/s RVPN Adjudiction of dispute 08/04/2011
878 237/11 250/11 RVUN RVPN Interim tariff for FY 12 31/03/2011
879 205/2009 RVPN Approval of quantam of capacity for procurement 23/03/2011
880 233/10 234/10 Amrit Environmental Tech. Ltd. S.M Environmental Tech. Ltd. Determination of tariff for Bio mass plants 19/01/2011
881 236/2010 RVPN Clarification of Commissions orders 18/01/2011
882 - Suo- Motu Notification u/s 55 (1) of the Act. 12/01/2011
883 224/10 227/10 M/s Balkrishna Industries M/s RSMML Non - Compliance of the orders dated 25.07.11 and 04.11.06 06/01/2011
884 214/2010 RVPN Approval of Investment Plan for FY11 of RVPN 29/12/2010
885 - Suo- Motu Memo on REC regulations 23/12/2010
886 - Suo- Motu Supply Code regulations (9th Amnd.) 19/10/2010
887 211/10 218/10 225/10 Sambhav Energy Transtech Power Satyam Power Tariff for Bio mass power plants including Juliflora 11/10/2010
888 226/2010 RVUN Review of tariff order dated 27.5.2010 13/08/2010
889 222/2010 M/s RKM Powergen, Chennai Adjudiction of dispute 12/08/2010
890 220/10 221/10 IWPA Enercon Removal of difficulties in tariff regulations 06/08/2010
891 223/2010 Indian Wind Energy Association Removal of difficulties 06/07/2010
892 220, 221/10 IWPA  Enercon Removal of diff. and Review of order dated 31.3.10 06/07/2010
893 219/2010 RVPN Review of order dt. 8.4.10 30/06/2010
894 - Suo - Motu Order No -10 - State agency for RE projects 16/06/2010
895 - Suo- Motu Order No.-7- Amendment in STOA agreements of Tr. 01/06/2010
896 - Suo-Motu Memo on CPP regulations  03/05/2010
897 - Suo- Motu Memo on Ombudsman regulations 22/03/2010
898 - Suo- Motu Memo on Supply Code ninth amendment 19/02/2010
899 - Suo- Motu Amendment in tariff regulations 23/12/2009
900 208/2009 BalkrishnaInd. V/s JVVNL dispute arising out of adjustment methodology of CPP 23/12/2009
901 199/2009 M/s Fashion Suitings V/s AVVNL Resolution of dispute under section 86(1)(f) 22/10/2009
902 - Suo- Motu Order No. 5 -Forms for filing ARR / Tariff of Gen./Trans./ Dist. 02/10/2009
903 - Suo-moto Notification u/s 55(1) of the Act. 16/09/2009
904 202/2009 HZL V/s RVPN & SLDC Removal of Difficulties in Open access 11/09/2009
905 200/2009 Giriraj Plastics V/s AVVNL Petition u/s 142 of E Act 28/08/2009
906 176/2009 M/s RVPNL Approval of Investment Plan of RVPN for FY09-10 23/04/2009
907 - Suo- Motu Order No. 6 -Forms for filing SLDC ARR 22/04/2009
908 - Suo- Motu Statement of objects, reasons and consideration of comments of RERC(T and C of tariff) reg, 2009 23/01/2009
909 133/2007 M/s Global Energy Ltd., Goa Licence to Global for intra state trading -order 06/10/2008
910 84/2006 JdVVNL Order-on wheeling charges & surcharges-09 19/09/2008
911 113/2006 JdVVNL Amendment in supply code Regulations 21/08/2008
912 173/2008 RVPN  V/s  M/s Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited Review of the provision 6(4) of RERC (Intra State ABT) reg.,  2006 and also tariff for wind farm injecting power without PPA 11/06/2008
913 46/2005 JdVVNL Determination of tariff for deemed licensees 01/04/2008
914 - Suo- Motu To allow Open Access  for  a period of less than one year 26/03/2008
915 - Suo- Motu Determination  of  Wheeling  Charges  & Cross Subsidy Surcharge for FY 2008-09 20/03/2008
916 172/2008 M/s RVPNL Approval of the quantum of capacity/energy under case I & II of bidding guidelines 11/03/2008
917 166/2008 AVVNL vs  HZL Petition under section 86(1)(f) of Act & clause 30 of OA reg.,2004 07/03/2008
918 - Suo- Motu Memo-Fee for Petitions Regulations 2005 (4th Amendment) 28/02/2008
919 146/2008   M/s DSCL Removal of difficulties in CPP reg. 27/02/2008
920 - Suo- Motu Redressal of grievances regulation 2nd Amnd.-memo 21/02/2008
921 122/2007  Hindustan Zinc Limited Unauthorized deduction and collection from open access consumer M/s.HZL by AVVNL 02/12/2007
922 138/2007  Hindustan Zinc Limited, Udaipur Review of Commission’s order dt. 15.9.07 on standard agreements in open access 26/11/2007
923 128/2007  JVVNL  Vs.    M/s. Maruti Stone Industries Appeal against order dt.6.12.06 of Electrical Inspector 26/10/2007
924 - Suo- Motu Rajasthan Electricity Grid Code under Section 86(1) (h) of the Electricity Act- 2003 15/10/2007
925 86/2006 AVVNL Order-on wheeling charges & surcharges-08 19/09/2007
926 91/2006 AVVNL Vs.   Safe Polymers Pvt. Ltd., Udaipur Appeal against  Electrical Inspector decision 3.10.05 18/09/2007
927 134/2007 Suo- Motu Changes in standard agreement for HT Supply and short-term Open Access in distribution 15/09/2007
928 - Suo- Motu Determination of WC & CS SurchargeFY-08 22/08/2007
929 106/2006 JVVNL Amendment in supply code Regulations 21/08/2007
930 136/2007  Rajasthan Steel Chamber, Jaipur Review of Commission’s order dt. 31.8.07 on petition  130/07 11/08/2007
931 - Suo- Motu  Renewable Energy (RE) obligation in the area of distribution licensee 03/07/2007
932 - Suo- Motu Determination of tariff for sale of electricity from Captive Power Plants to the Distribution licensee(s) 30/04/2007
933 47/2005 AVVNL Determination of tariff for deemed licensees 01/04/2007
934 - Suo- Motu Order No. 4- Open Access standard Connection Agreement 01/03/2007
935 - Suo- Motu Order on Metering reg. 19/02/2007
936 - Suo- Motu Tariff for captive power plant 21/12/2006
937 100/2006 RSMMLVs. AVVNL Difficulties faced in the operation of Captive plant based on wind power 04/11/2006
938 98/2006 M/s  Aditya cement Difficulties faced in the operation of Captive power plant 08/10/2006
939 - Suo- Motu NES order 29/09/2006
940 85/2006 JVVNL Order-on wheeling charges & surcharges-07 19/09/2006
941 99/2006 Rajasthan Power Procurement Centre Order on approval of load demand from all VVNs 18/09/2006
942 53 -55 /05, 59/05, 61 -69/05, 73 - 78/06, 81 - 82/06 & 96/06 R.M. Mittal Steels (P) Ltd.,   Rajasthan Textile mills,  Sri Krishan Rolling Mills,  Ashiana Ispat Ltd, Kamdhenu Ispat Ltd. & Others Incentive scheme to large industrial consumers 06/08/2006
943 79/2006 Sh. Liyakat Ali Non payment of Interest due on security deposit of consumers 04/08/2006
944 45/2005 J.K. Laxmi Cement Ltd review on surcharge determined by order dt. 21.2.05 02/08/2006
945 101/2006 Balkrishan Industries Vs. JVVNL Difficulties faced in the operation of Captive plant based on wind power 25/07/2006
946 102/06   104/06 Shree Cement, Binnani Cement Vs. JdVVNL Difficulties faced in the operation of Captive Power Plant 24/07/2006
947 - Suo- Motu RERC(Intra-State ABT) Regulations, 2006 30/06/2006
948 57/2005 HZL  Vs. AVVNL Removal of difficulties arising out of open access 23/06/2006
949 91/2006 M/s AVVNL  Vs. M/s Safe Polymers Appeal against the Order dated 3.10.05 21/06/2006
950 90/2006 AVVNL Vs.  Sisodia Marbles Appeal against the order dated 16.11.2005 of EI 20/06/2006
951 87/2006 Hindustan Zinc Limited Vs. AVVNL Unauthorized deduction and collection from O. A. Consumer 22/05/2006
952 100/2006 RSMML Removal of Diff in operation of CPP 11/04/2006
953 51/2005 JVVNL Determination of tariff for deemed licensees 01/04/2006
954 - Suo- Motu Order on power purchase from NES in Rajasthan (In Pdf) 31/03/2006
955 57/06 (IA) HZL  Vs. AVVNL Removal of difficulties arising out of open access (Interim Order) 24/03/2006
956 30/2004 Lake Palace Hotels Vs. AVVNL categorization of its Hotels as industries under tariff for supply of electricity,2001 21/03/2006
957 83/06   89/06 DCM Sriram Vs JVVNL Appeal against decision of Ombudsman 06/03/2006
958 - Suo- Motu Order under regulation 72 & 76 of RERC(Transactions of Business) Regulations 2005 30/01/2006
959 58/2005 RVUN Amendment in fee for petition reg 19/01/2006
960 56/2005 JVVNL Review petition of  order dated 1.4.02 in respect of rebate @ 7.5% 07/01/2006
961 50/2005 Kalpa Taru Power Transmission Ltd. Review of RERC (SLDC) reg. 23/08/2005
962 - Suo- Motu Determination of levy of transmission charges from short-term open access consumer 20/08/2005
963 - District Industries Association, Dholpur Amendment in RERC (Fee for petition) reg. 2000 25/07/2005
964 - JdVVNL - 29/03/2005
965 - JdVVNL approval of Charter of Consumers Rights 29/03/2005
966 40/2004 M/s JVVNL Order on wheeling charges-FY06 21/02/2005
967 33/04 Hotel and Restaurants Association of Rajasthan Application of tariff of Industries instead of non-domestic category 20/10/2004
968 - Suo- Motu Order on RERC (T&C determination of tariff) Regulations 28/09/2004
969 - Suo- Motu Order-Licensing of Trading regulations 19/08/2004
970 - Suo- Motu Order on Open Access regulations 25/05/2004
971 - Suo- Motu Order-Supply code and connected matters-5.6.04 06/05/2004
972 - AVVNL Standards of Performance 29/03/2004
973 - AVVNL approval of Charter of Consumers Rights 29/03/2004
974 23/03  24/03 AVVNL Vs. Bhawani Marble &  AVVNL   Vs. Rose Zink Limited Appeal against the order of the Electrical Inspector 23/12/2003
975 - Suo- Motu Order In the matter of Distribution Code Dated 11th June 2003 06/11/2003
976 16/2002 AVVNL Vs. M/s Vandana Tiles Private Appeals against the order dated 22-5-2002 of Senior Electrical Inspector 09/06/2003
977 - JVVNL approval of Charter of Consumers Rights 29/03/2003
978 - JVVNL approval of Distribution licensees’ 29/03/2003
979 - RVPN approval of Transmission and Bulk Supply Performance Standards 24/03/2003
980 - Suo- Motu Order on (i) Grid Code and (ii) Load Despatch and System Operation Code 22/03/2003
981 - Suo- Motu Order No. 3 - Forms for furnishing tariff proposals 18/11/2002
982 - Suo- Motu Order on Metering Code for Rajasthan Grid-2002 28/10/2002
983 - NTPC Vs. RVPN Order on Review Petition 30/05/2002
984 11/02  13/02 RIICO & Nagar Nigam, Jaipur Review of Commission’s tariff orders dated 24.3.2001 05/04/2002
985 DRM (Electrical) Western Railway Vs. JVVNL Review of Commission’s tariff orders dated 24.3.2001 04/01/2002
986 Rajasthan Ginning & Pressing Industries Association Review of Commission’s tariff orders dated 24.3.2001 10/10/2001
987 - Suo- Motu Order for RVPN to take licence 10/04/2000
988 - Suo- Motu Terms & conditions for supply
989 - Order on petition of Astha Engineers & contractors (In Pdf) -